[EDEN] World wide summit project

Day 983, 03:30 Published in Spain Greece by Greek Ministry of Health
Last Saturday, an IRC summit was held where delegates from all eRepublik countries were invited. Although several important countries did not attend a good number did, and the people behind the initiative regards the large turnout a success, although the moderation of the meeting left a bit to be desired.

While the summit invitation could be interpreted as an attempt to create a United Nations in eRepublik, most of the meeting went by with people discussing game technicalities and eRepublik Rising mechanisms, hospitals and defense systems in particular.

The initiative of creating cross-alliance and world wide dialogue through a common meeting point deserves kudos, but only time and effort will determine its success. On request, we hereby relay the project's own two-part article for informational purposes - EDEN as such is not affiliated with the project nor does the Brotherhood have an official view on it at present.


eRepublik World Summit: Take One

At 12:00 erep time Saturday, for one of the first times in eRepublik history, delegates from all alliances and corners of the eWorld gathered to discuss pressing issues affecting their countries and the eWorld as a whole.

The summit was successful in that many countries from all alliances, including notable Phoenix nations, such as Russia, Indonesia, and Hungary, attended the summit, and as we started off, there was no trolling that detractors had predicted would happen if this summit was implemented.

Upon arrival, the delegates discussed issues that they were concerned about, mainly centering around problems with v2 and how it was effecting their nations. Due to these continued difficulties, it was decided at the summit that a global committee would be set up that will express to the admins the countries’ concerns about v2 and other erep issues, and possibly take actions to expedite the resolution of these issues.

This doesn't mean, however, that there weren't difficulties. The night before, the unfortunate resignation of laurenbug from the office of the SoS and her leaving of game caused quite a bit of difficulty, but we were lucky in having former eUS VP Joe Newton to service as our replacement moderator.

Another difficulty was in the amount of people who came to the summit. During the summit, we had over 50 delegates in the room, and the conversations were incoherent due to the amount of people speaking at one time. This lead to the official part of the summit having to end 20 minutes earlier than it was planned to be.

Erepublik World Summit: Take Two

We will be soon hosting the second Erepublik World Summit in order to go forward on initiatives proposed during the summit. The format has been changed so that it will now mirror a POTUS debate in it's style. This format is being developed by the moderator of the previous summit Joe Newton. We also plan to have a limited amount of representatives from each country come to the summit.

The main point of the next summit is to be united about some previously agreed upon points, and to write an article which will be co-signed by all the nations involved. Additional plans are to continue to address the establishment of a committee as well as the establishment of a global forum that will allow for representatives and country leaders to converse with each other important issues, or plans that affect there respected countries.

All countries that participated in the inaugural summit are invited to come once again to this summit, and all those countries that did not come to the previous summit are invited to attend the upcoming one.

The contributors of this event would again like to thank all the people who worked on this event and we hope we can continue to make sure that this idea is taking advantaged of to it's full effect


For more information and questions about the world summit, contact DuvalEaton
