[EDEN] The internal structure of EDEN

Day 876, 07:35 Published in Spain Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

A new logo is under work

A few weeks ago, an article about ”What EDEN is” was published. It explored the definition of Erepublik Defence and Economy Network in a semantic level. Now it is time to illustrate what EDEN practically is, how it works, what its structure is and why.

Let us start with the treaty of the Brotherhood of EDEN:

The treaty was drafted to be a loose and flexible document, a write-down of guiding principles in EDEN. The treaty was mainly drafted by Mistwalker, the first EDEN Media Director. The treaty was to contain the basis of EDEN ideals, policies and structure. Its function was to have the basic principles written down so the mistakes of ATLANTIS would not be repeated - special attention was put in alliance membership applications, so another Sweden-Germany conflict would not be possible.

Planning military operations, and sharing intelligence were also issues to be addressed in the treaty. The treaty defines the command hierarchy in EDEN: There is a Supreme Commander, whose role is to coordinate and organize the countries' and their armies in EDEN, and aid him, the treaty also mentions Military Commander - whose role is to plan military campaigns, and help the SC coordinate battles; Economic Organizer, who maintains a centralized treasury for EDEN, and a Public Relations Organizer, whose task is to write articles for EDEN, and maintain public visibility. These people, amongst some other roles like the Intelligence & Security Director, and Foreign Affairs Organizer, form the infamous EDEN HQ.

EDEN HQ - the tasks of the top level leadership

EDEN HQ was meant to have the highest operational authority, and it was tasked to coordinate and supervise all of EDEN armies. EDEN HQ is tasked to maintain a centralized operations room for all member country armies, and to plan military campaigns for the whole alliance. The idea of having an HQ is to have a single, independent decision-making organ for the alliance, that is not tied to any single member country, but rather one that seeks the best of the whole alliance.

The HQ is an elected position: all people in the HQ are nominated from a pool of member country representatives, and seats in the HQ are filled by majority vote by Country Presidents. Elections are held either every two months, or when someone in the HQ wants to resign, or when the Supreme Commander decides that new elections are needed.

Major military campaigns are discussed by member country representatives, usually the President, or a representative appointed by him/her. EDEN has a centralized planning channel for all member countries' military leadership, where all military campaigns are meant to be drafted, discussed upon, and voted for. The main responsibility for creating military campaigns falls to the HQ, specifically to the SC and MCs, while all member countries can present their plans, and have them discussed with other countries. The EDEN treaty says that all military campaigns involving the alliance are to be voted upon, and agreed to by 67 % majority, or else they won't get the alliance support.

Daily military operations are coordinated in a single war room, where all countries' MoDs and representatives are present. Orders and battle priorities are given there, and it is the responsibility of countries to follow those priorities. After priorities are given and the plan for the day is outlined, it is up to countries and their MoDs to follow through them.

As mentioned earlier, EDEN has a centralized treasury, which is used to finance battles in which the alliance participates, and to start Resistance Wars and blocks around the world which do not directly involve any single member country. It is better to have them funded from a centralized treasury, than to have single member countries pay for them alone every time. The centralized treasury is upheld by the Economic Organizers, and each member country is asked to contribute to the common fund equally according to their abilities, not more.

EDEN's centralized treasury goes by the name TAF

Besides having a centralized treasury, the Economic Organizers have lately been tasked to set up a council for each country Ministers of Finance, which can start brainstorming an alliance-wide tax and trade system. The work is underway, supervised by the Economic Organizers. This council can be used to improve the financial capabilities of the alliance, and gain more information about different countries' economies.

Alongside military campaigns and economics, EDEN needs Public Relations. Public Relations in form of communicating alliance affairs has been lacking in the past, and to improve the situation, besides having a Public Relations Organizer in the EDEN HQ, he now is tasked to have two or three assistants for him, besides having each country Minister of Public Relations in the media team, writing and translating EDEN articles for their own countries. Unfortunately not much of this work has been seen yet.

EMC - EDEN Military Corps

EMC is a multinational task force, comprised of each member country soldiers, who take orders primarily from EDEN HQ, and secondarily from their national army. Each country is asked to provide a number of soldiers to the EMC, and they are coordinated on IRC to fight in specific battles alongside national armies, or move fast to a battle separately from national armies. They are always combat-ready, supplied with high-quality weapons. Activity of the soldiers is supervised by the squad leaders of each country.

The original idea behind EMC was to have an unit, independent of national armies, that is ready to strike at the end of battles. Having 50 or more Field Marshals hit at the last minute of the battle was something new to battlefields during World War 3, and PEACE found out the effectivity of EMC the hard way, and the coordinated strikes of EMC became a legend very soon.

Day-to-day coordination of EDEN involves a lot more than what was detailed above. Not all issues can be written down, nor can they be said publicly. EDEN aims to improve, to find a common ground for all its members, and seek the best of them, upholding the principles stated in the treaty: mutual Respect, Loyalty, Valour, Unity, Friendship and Sacrifice.

http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/3889/edenmedia.jpg" border="0">