[EDEN] News & Interview with The Graverobber

Day 1,448, 05:54 Published in Finland Greece by Greek Ministry of Health
Voice your concerns!

Following our latest article not much changed in regard with the "Voice of EDEN" location. From what I heard though, the fact that the newspaper location cannot change is not a new feature but a bug. Surprised?
It also seems that to make admins attend and fix their own issues one ticket is not enough.

Voice of EDEN is not the newspaper of one EDEN citizen or of one EDEN country. This is our voice, our newspaper. So i urge you to use the Contact page and submit a ticket to the Report a bug department and state that you want them to fix the newspaper location bug, that you want the Voice of EDEN in your country as well.

If you want things to work you have to make a stand. One voice is not enough. All of us together might make a difference

EDEN`s Voice is your voice. From now on is up to you as well! Message the admins and urge them to fix the Media Module because your Voice matters!

EDEN Military Units

It is imperative for ALL EDEN Military Unit commanders to join the #eden.forces chat-room in order to better coordinate ourselves on the battle field. For this you will have to register using this form in order to gain access.

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Do the same in you Military Unit chat-room(s) and watch how our forces united achieve victory on the battlefield. Victory is for those eager to fight for it side by side with their comrades.

In today`s military module only concentrated effort can achieve results. Remember that!

EDEN Media Campaign

Today restarts the EDEN Media Campaign. I would like to thank Zmei Gorianin and to welcome him in the Media Team. His guest today is the Bulgarian MoFA The Graverobber. Enjoy!

If you would like to help and become an EDEN Media team-member read this article and message me with how would you like to help.



Interview with The Graverobber

I give to your attention the interview I took from the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of eBulgaria, The Graverobber:

Hi, Grave, can I call you Grave? Actually, how do you prefer to be called by the people in eRepublik?

- Sure you can, that's how I'm used to it 🙂

OK, great. Now, I want to ask you for how long are you in politics and more importantly in the foreign affairs as representative of eBulgaria?

- In the beginning I started as an ambassador in the middle of June last year, afterwards I started climbing the ladder. So, I've been in foreign affairs for an year and a couple of months with some minor gaps. I've been in politics for exactly an year, since I ran for country president last November from 'United Bulgaria' party and have been in politics ever since.

So, I trust you are the right person to answer my questions 🙂 How are things going in EDEN at the moments? What are the current priorities (as far as you are at liberty to say, of course)? What is the mood?

- Things are not going in the best possible way in EDEN. We see that many of the countries under occupation, Greece for example, the original Croatian regions, Norway and Ukraine were under occupation until recently as well. Regretfully the enemy alliance is more powerful and fighting against them is a hard task for us as they supersede us in terms of population.
I can see in recent week how both EDEN and ONE wanted us to attack Turkey but we decided to act differently. Nevertheless, I believe that Turkey would not be able to switch alliances or to at least change part of their MPPs. That is because in practice they will put themselves in a situation where they would not be able to expand and will be surrounded from all sides by either allies or neutral countries.

Yes, of course I don't think that anyone has blindly believed that just because we are so cool and we will beat everyone so much that they would want to join us.
How was our decision not to attack Turkey received in EDEN? Was there an alternative to go into war with FYROM?

- Well, it was not received well, which is understandable. There were some tough words but in the end we talked it out. And yes, the other proposed route was to attack our southwest neighbors. But our government's plans were different and we could not get into such was if we wanted to realize them. Our destination was East.

And what are the plans now? What will Bulgaria undertake?

Ukraine was under occupation for a lot of months. With joint efforts we managed to restore them to the fullest. During this month we also had very good coordination with Russia, who are one of our best allies. We will try to evolve this three-side cooperation, which already proved fruitful during the exchange of the Siveria and Black Earth regions. We need to block Hungary who have ambitions to expand to the North with the Alliance of Baltic Countries (ABC). We will try to help Belarus to gain liberty. All in all the plans for next month are for Bulgaria to play a major part in Eastern Europe by liberating and defending our partners from EDEN. I believe it is an ambitions goal but I certainly believe we have the strengths and abilities to make it happen.

That sounds exciting! And will EDEN support us in the execution of these plans? What will happen with Greece and Croatia?

I sincerely hope that they will support us. At least from my conversation with the newly voted Supreme Commander of EDEN - Octavius Julius I left with the impression that we have his support. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him for the elections via this newspaper.
For Croatia and Greece I can say only this: I know how many millions of damage have they done for Bulgaria and I can say that we are always here to give a hand and help when they need us.

Yes, all these are good reasons to be optimistic and to look forward! I don't want to take any more of your time, do you want to say something to the readers of my newspaper and the ones of 'Voice of EDEN'?

I wish you all good health, wherever you are. Despite everything, follow your goals and the difficulties which occur will only make you stronger!

At your service,

Zmei Gorianin
EDEN Media Team

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