[EDEN] Kalevalian Battlecry

Day 1,245, 09:18 Published in Finland Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Tonight, there will be no sleep!
Tonight, the battle-cry of the old will sound the awakening for all the Finnish lands.

And just like how, a long time ago, the tribes of the North would gather under the tree of Yggdrasil, now like-wise the nations of EDEN will gather under the Tree of EDEN in defense of Finland.

We stepped back, we let the Estonians and their allies advance and set foot on our land, to drink from our wells and sleep in our homes, for they didn't know that the water was poisoned and that their sleep will be knife`ly rewarded.

The resistance war will start and we will strike over and over until the enemy is so weakened, so demoralized, that they will have to leave with their tail in between their legs.

Wait for the call of the North. Tonight, nobody sleeps!

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