[EDEN] It Is Time

Day 1,100, 12:39 Published in Romania Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

It is Time

Time to payback Phoenix for all the PTO attacks they have unleashed this past year.

It is Time

Time to take control over Russia’s Congress

It is Time


But to achieve that victory, we need you.

We need every able and available voter to move to Russia and get citizenship.

Russia has open citizenship right now, so EVERYONE will be accepted.

Check in at #PTORussia or #ato on Rizon IRC to check where your vote is most needed.

If you do not know how to get to #ato on IRC use this link http://tinyurl.com/SACircLink or this one http://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=ato

If you can not get onto IRC, please check out this document for direction on where to move to and who to vote for http://tinyurl.com/EDENtoInstruct

We can supply you moving tickets

We will give you instruction

But only you can give us this victory.

Make the difference. Use your vote as a weapon.

It’s time to teach Russia how to party

Please remember. You do not have to stay in Russia after you vote. But please keep the Russian citizenship, so we can elect the next Tsar on December 5th

EDEN Media Team