[EDEN] Changes in EDEN (Poland)

Day 736, 18:21 Published in Poland Canada by Scorpius

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-Changes in the EDEN team-

I come today bearing both good and bad news. First the sad news i suppose. Two of our good friends in the EDEN HQ will be leaving us. Lilla_T, our Military Organizer, and smif, our Economic Organizer have departed from EDEN command.

As Military Organizer Lilla_T helped run the EMC, planned and coordinated a range of operations, and provided a calm and intelligent viewpoint in discussions. A prominent member of the Finland government, he served as MoD for them and was their military advisor over several governments. He possessed a unique aptitude for the military module of erepublik which made him a great leader as well as being a good friend. He will be missed by us all.

smif's job as Economic Organizer was to manage EDEN's finances and improve our financial productivity, among other things, but he was already renowned throughout the eWorld before he joined us. His extensive knowledge of..well...everything was invaluable to our plans, and on a personal note, he personally guided me in getting my first time tanking and getting Battle Hero medal despite my incredibly poor knowledge of the war module. Thats he kind of guy smif is; happy to share his knowledge with anyone who needs it. Like Lilla_T, he will be missed in EDEN HQ.

Yes two of our good friends here in the EDEN team will be leaving us and its a sad event, however now we are going to be getting two great new coworkers to help run the alliance. The two new team members are both highly qualified, and have been accepted by a brotherhood-wide vote.

Che Greco, who will be taking over smif's job of Economic Organizer, is the current president of Greece, one of our brother nations. A common sight in the Allied Forces channel, che's helpful and friendly disposition is well known. Besides president, he has also served as the Minister of Defense for Greece and through his career has managed Greece's ministry of finance organization. His overall knowledge and economic experience are impressive and make him a valuable member of our team.

Fartman, our new Military Organizer, is a highly experienced president of Poland, and is actually our first Polish HQ member. As a former president, he gained a good deal of experience in tactics and military planning, masterminding several wars in Poland. Through his hard work and well thought out strategies, he has become a well respected figure in Poland. These skills make him an invaluable asset to our team as the MO and we look forward to working with him.

Welcome to the team guys!!!

-More News from EDEN Media Dept.-

Since its about time for an update, I'm pleased to announce that the organization and expansion of the EDEN Media Department is moving along swimmingly. Writers from each EDEN country have been joining the staff, and soon we will begin work on a variety of projects which you will see more of in the near future. Stay tuned for more info regarding our many initiatives and as always, keep an eye out in the EDEN papers for important news.

Until next time,
Scorpius, EDEN Media Director