[eCroatia] Today is a good day to die! o7

Day 1,229, 11:44 Published in Croatia North Macedonia by Ghost Axior

No. 71. - Day 1,229
Country: eCroatia

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Kada smo odbijali mir sa Srbima znali smo da se dugoročno ne možemo nositi sa srpskim pritiskom, pa čak niti uz pomoć saveznika. I svi koji su trezveni i racionalno razmišljaju to će priznati. Pa ipak, unatoč tome nismo poklekli pred poljsko-srpskim ponudama, a kasnije niti ucjenama s njihove strane.

Zbog svoje časti, principijelnosti i svojih načela spremno smo ušli u taj rat znajući da iz njega ne možemo izaći kao pobjednici u smislu eTeritorijalnog širenja. Ali iz njega svakako izlazimo kao moralni pobjednici!

Mi smo narod srčanih ratnika! I bez obzira na izglede koje nam predviđaju spremno ulazimo u svaki boj. Što su nam manji izgledi, to se srčanije borimo.

Citirat ću i Gimlija iz Gospodara prstenova, jer ovaj citat upravo vjerno dočarava i eHrvate:
"Certainty of death, small chance of success... What are we waiting for?"

I zato budimo danas ponosni i dočekajmo poraz dostojanstveno i uzdignuta čela, baš onako kako smo se i borili svih ovih mjeseci. Uvijek smo spremno prkosili eSmrti... zaprkosimo joj "poslijednji put"!

A kada za to dođe vrijeme čestitajmo i Komšijama što su nas nadigrali, ovaj puta.

Today is a good day to die! o7

When we rejected peace with Serbs we knew that we can't deal long-term with Serbian pressure, even with help of our allies. And everyone who can think rational will admit that. Still we didn't knelt in front of Serbian and Polish offers, and later blackmails coming from their side.

Because of our honor and principles ready we entered this war knowing that we wont come out as winners in terms of eTerritorial expanding. But we come out from it as Moral winners.

We are nation of heart warriors! Regardless of the chances that we have, we readily enter in every battle. The smaller our chances are, the more we will take with us to battle.

I will quote Gimli from Lord of the rings, because this quote describes eCroats the best:
"Certainty of death, small chance of success... What are we waiting for?"

And because of that we should stay proud and wait the defeat with dignity and our heads raised high, just the way we were fighting all this months. We always defied eDeath... Lets defy her one last time!

And when the time comes, let's congratulate our Neighbors because they outplayed us this time.

Today is a good day to day o7

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Today is a good day to die! o7