[經濟/Economy] It is time to re-run a Middle-Oil Company in Taiwan

Day 1,088, 19:08 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) China by Ddfish

因為無腦雞的任務的關係 使得全球原油和機票的價格大幅上漲
Because of headless chicken's new quest, price of oil and moving tickets rise.

現在美國的原油要0.0014G 中國的要0.0014G 而波蘭的甚至到了0.00161G
Now we have 0.0014G per oil in USA,while in China we have 0.0014G,and Poland with 0.00161G

那如果我們在台灣利用中資源自產油 成本是多少呢?
If we run a Middle-Oil company in Taiwan,what will be the cost?

你可以參照下面的圖 或是利用工具網站查詢
You can see the picture below, or use this website

挖靠 我們有成本不到0.04TWD(0.0012G)的油
Wow , we have the oil which cost less than 0.04TWD,that mean 0.0012G now.

還猶豫什麼呢? 趕緊重新營運你的中油公司吧!!
What are you hestitating ? Just re-open your Mid-Oil Company!!

「ZIQQ 全民亂講」媒體聯盟
