***Economic Disaster and the Solutions***

Day 436, 14:25 Published in USA USA by Uncle Sam

I'd like this article to count towards my campaign for President this February. Our country faces quite a few economical issues right now. We have a dollar value that we wish to increase, and the Federal Reserve is now empty due to a massive hack, accomplished by none other than the infamous Franco/ThisGenMedia/Teacher. So economically, lets think about what we need to fix. There are steps to solving problems, Here's the process in which these issues will be dealt with.

Identifying the Problems
In our economy, many things come together to find a balance. This can be in amount of exports to imports, or between market prices and the dollar value. Everything is connected in its own way. The problems that we face are this. The Treasury has no reserves left to help defend the country. The dollar value is still rather low, and our trade with other countries does not yield as much profit as it used to. In addition, a lot of our gold was taken out of the treasury through a hack as proven by textual links in Benn's Interview with Franco

Desired Outcome
There are many ways these issues can turn out in the end. Some may be favorable, some may not, I aim for perfection. My aim is to fill the treasury up to more than what it was before. We want to have a good storage of wealth for any time, so building the treasury is a must. Next, I believe that the USA would benefit most from having the dollar value return to around 1 USD = .018 Gold. This can do much to reducing the inflation that occurred during war times and help regulate overpriced employee wages. Another issue that I've always stood firm on was to see that the USA increases exporting. Not only does this bring more gold into USA circulation to help build the treasury. It also works as a long term answer to save companies if the USA markets start failing. It's similar to an insurance policy on active companies that brings wealth to the country at the same time. Finally I want increased security over the treasury and federal money. Simply put, to make sure something like this does not happen again.

Achieving These Outcomes
People can have great knowledge about the economy in this game as I do. Experience plays a big factor in this. I co-own the biggest privately owned corporation in the world. My partner and I are probably the wealthiest people in this country, and it came through months of experience with the economy. But like I said, anyone who puts their mind to it can have this knowledge and bring it to Presidential office. I come to you today with that, and with a plan.

To Build the Treasury: This process has already started through a congressional state of emergency. The plans are outlined there, however there are a few things missing. Plans to raise income taxes to 20% are included, something that I support, however only for the time that it's needed. USD needs to be recovered from circulation and higher taxation is the way to go for this. Keep in mind, this is only a temporary fix! I plan to keep the 10% income taxes after sufficient USD has been brought back into treasury control. These taxes however, only really bring USD back into the treasury, more importantly we need to build up our gold supply. Gold will be acquired through the monetary market.

This is a delicate process, where with the monetary market will come in handy. How else do you think I became a wealthy player? Anyway, in order to restore gold into the USA Treasury, I plan on selling off some of the gained USD back into circulation for gold. Now this process will only take place while the 20% income taxes are in use. The job of the taxes will bring in USD, while selling a portion of it will bring in gold. This becomes a cycle. Gain USD through taxes, sell half the USD for Gold, gain gold and lose USD, gain more USD through taxes. When we have reached a level of about 2000 gold in the treasury, taxes will be returned to their lower rates. This whole process, with my vigilant active eye should take about a week, give or take a few days on the time it takes to change taxes. In order to make sure that this process works, during this time, government spending on all other areas will be reduced in order to save as much of it as possible while building it back up.

Raising the Dollar Value:This is something that must be done to help stabilize our economy. As a country, we should aim for something around 1 USD = 0.017 to 0.018 Gold. It's been the perfect balance we've worked with for a while, and ever since the dip it took during the war, it's never reached that point. Justin changed taxes in order to take more USD out of circulation, which did work, but that's about all he did for the economy. In order to bring the dollar value up, offers on the monetary market from the Federal Reserve or National treasury must be used to influence asking prices. At the same time, more USD must be taken out of circulation in order to reflect the desired dollar value accurately. This can be done while gaining gold back into the treasury, so my skills with the monetary market can kill two birds with one stone.

Increasing Exporting: The benefits of exporting are numerous. I can say this from personal experience as in Capital Bank of America, all of our companies have at least 1 export and it keeps all of them afloat. Exporting gives you options as to which markets you want to sell to. If one market like the USA's seems unprofitable and you start to go under, exporting to a different market offers you a chance to save the company. At the same time it brings money in from other countries and puts it into USA circulation, making us a wealthier country. They key to getting businesses to invest in exports is to follow a type of supply side economic theory where businessmen with more money would be likely to invest more into their companies. I plan on advertising these ideas to the public and inspire them to export, and possibly start a loan system that will be directed by an exporting department in the economics section of cabinet.

Increasing Economic Security: Obviously one of the bigger issues that we have to face right now is that of security. The Federal Reserve was not secure and so as a result we lost a lot of our treasury. There numerous ways to increase security, here is what I find to be most effective. First we must have all presidents sign a contract on terms of securing the Treasury and Federal Reserve. A contract can only go so far, so it will require that each president, at the beginning of their term, must change the password and email account to the Federal Reserve and their personal account. This will assure that the Fed is secure under the current President. The contract will also include limits on who many are allowed access to the Federal Reserve for obvious reasons. Finally the contract will include a section stating that if a president does not give up access to the Federal Reserve at the end of his or her term, or if a President is impeached mid term, then the Admins will take action in such events to assure that transfer of access to the Fed is properly handled.

Here is a copy of the rough draft of the aforementioned contract written by Benn Dover.

(still under revision)

Other Economic Evaluations
Aside from everything we have just seen here, there are other things that we must understand about our economy. The first is the changes that took place over the last month or so. At the end of Benn Dover's last term as president, the markets already began to regulate in terms or product prices going down and the dollar value already raising. Justinious and his tax changes helped to keep it that way through having the dollar value match the amount of USD in circulation. This however is about everything that changed over the last month and the dollar value is still at around 1 USD = .015 Gold where it was in the beginning of the month. The only other major change is the depletion of the Federal Reserve, which I have already outlined my plans for.

The marketplace is not really an issue right now, Food prices have dropped to reasonable prices so that it's a buyers market. Weapons and moving tickets are now at a reasonable prices as they're also dropped. Gifts and houses have stayed at relatively the same price. All in all the marketplace is now more beneficial for the consumers. This will turn in the wrong direction at one point however, and prices will drop too low and business will start to fail if demand falls like we have seen during many long period times of peace. This is why war must be used to balance the economy and increase demand of products, but only in short bursts. Keep in mind, I will not support a long term war as that proves to create too much demand and diminish supply, but the idea here is to use war in short bursts, mostly as an economic equalizer. For this we have war games.

That however, is a conversation for another day 😉

Vote Uncle Sam for President for Feb. '09

-Uncle Sam-