中国新闻/eChina News 第五期(Oct.9th-Oct.16th)

Day 697, 21:47 Published in China China by eChina
中国新闻第五期(Oct.9th-O ct.16th)

编辑:shawkcn 翻译:mariohexu



截至 10 月 14 日 (Day 694 ) 为止, 国防部、 福利部、 教育部、 信息部及央行的国有组织合 同均已签订。 详情可见此链接:

2、中国与多个国家签署共同防 御协定

本周, 中国先后与法国、 美国、 英国、 罗马尼亚签署了共同防御协 定 (MPP ) 。 关于该系列事件的详细分析 , 请见本期 “聚焦热点” 。


本月 10 日 (Day 690 ) ,JIAJUNPENG 个人出资 270G (含进口牌照费用) , 从国外采购了一所 5 星医院, 安放在了 Shanghai 。 而近一个月来由 JIAJUNPENG 出资建设的国产 Q5 医院, 也已完工, 并已作为国家战略储备, 等待将来需要时安放。 JIAJUNPENG 为了这所 5 星医院工厂和 2 所 5 星医院, 共消耗了 1000G 左右, 而他把这一切都捐给了国家 。 请让我们为他的赤子之心致 以最崇高的敬意!


本周, 又有两个本土政党成立, 分别是 Saturn Community (土星共同体) 和 Shanghai Cooperation 。 现在国内共有 9 个政党存在, 可以预见, 在未来的国会选举中, 各个政党将进行一系列的竞 争与合作。


本月 15 日进行的党主席选举结果如 下: PRP-dawenxi 、 CDP-The Samurai 、 Soy Sauce-JIAJUNPENG 、 Fxxxn Gong-sagaWF 、 Serpentia-Snayke 、 Saturn Community-YK.Hg 、 HKGOLDEN-Roger chan 、 Jian Shang Party-zippy cr 、 Shanghai Cooperation-Roths_Child 。 本次选举较大的看点是 CDP 与 Fxxxn Gong 两党。 CDP 选举中,The Samurai 与 Luckycake 两人各自进行了大量的宣传 , 最终 The Samurai 以 48 票对 24 票的巨大优势获胜。 Fxxxn Gong 选举中,sagaWF 夺得了这个长期以来被视作 主要反对党的党主席之位, 并立即着手开始该党的改组 计划。 目前, 该党党名已被改作 China Lao-Wai Party 。


近期中国的外交相当的热闹 。 曾经一度为人忽视、 终日默默在国际舞台上打酱 油的中国一向成了抢手的香 饽饽。 PEACE 、 Eden/Fortis , 纷纷表达了对中国的关切, 伊朗、 法国、 美国、 英国、 罗马尼亚先后发来共同防御 协定 (MPP ) 的邀请。 这究竟是为什么呢? 各国都是出于什么考虑呢? 中国又是如何应对的呢? 我们邀请到了外交部长 dawenxi 来帮我们解释一下:

“情况比较复杂。 PEACE 与 E/F 两大势力都希望确保我们不 倒向另外一方。 当然, 这本来就是我们的中立政策 , 只是在这个时刻被以这种双 方向 MPP 形式强迫表态。

这个时刻, 是一个敏感时刻。 一方面, 某些国家存在在朝鲜黑吉辽 等地发动起义的可能性, , 一方面, 某些国家存在潜在的对北京 发起攻击的可能性。 如果东三省起义回归中国, 原占领国将可能发动攻击争 夺。 对于某些非占领国来说, 将东三省独立是为了削弱占 领国势力, 而中立的中国从占领国手中 拿回东三省, 是某些非占领国乐于看到的 。 所以出现了美国罗马尼亚帮 助中国建立 MPP 防御的情况, 而 PEACE 内部也并不希望某些占领国 一意孤行, 所以法国也提出来帮助中国 。 在这种情况下,
如果某些国家发动侵华战争 , 那么他们将失去法国的 MPP , 同时中国将受到 MPP 的支援;因此即使没有 NAP , 中国遭遇被侵略战争的几率 也已经大大降低了。 可以说, 这是最近一段时间以来中国 通过外交努力来提高国土安 全的一项巨大成功。

国际社会很多国家都对如同 印度中国这样的小国为了保 持中立而与两大阵营同时签 定 MPP 表达了充分的理解。

我们当然希望以最低成本解 决问题, 同时也不希望惹火烧身。 如果如印尼这样的国家愿意 和平谈判解决领土, 我们当然愿意。 如果某些国家悍然发动侵略 战争, 等待他们的只能是迎头痛击 。 ”


1、aliao 上任后, 终于还是步前两任的后尘, 被国会弹劾了, 对此,aliao 本人感慨道:
“诅咒! 这一定是诅咒! 从 Snayke 以来的囧统都逃脱不了被弹 劾的命运……”

2、对于 aliao 被弹劾一事, 有群众马上想起了当初 seer 被弹劾时 aliao 的言论 “囧统就是吸仇恨的” , 把这话进一步演绎:
“囧统就是 MT , 吸不了仇恨更要被人骂! ”

3、本周, 中国先后与法国、 美国、 英国签订了共同防御协定 (MPP ) , 有国民开玩笑说:
“再把俄罗斯签了的话, 就把五个常任理事国凑齐了 。 ”

4、经历了囧统被弹劾、 国内又因多国 MPP 事件而争论纷纷后, 有国民感叹:
“我忽然觉得, 现在的中国领导人, 很像当时的空一格, 国际形势千变万化, 民间又群情激愤、 内部还分裂……”

5、某日某 QQ 群内冲出一进错群的, 众人立刻涌上去抢着要做推 荐人。 一旁观群众一语惊人:
“怎么感觉跟进了窑子一样 冲出一群……”


e 中国的第二场婚姻诞生了。 这本是一件好事, 但囧的地方在于, 根据我们多方面收集的情报 , 这场婚姻的双方—— JIAJUNPENG 与 The Samurai , 似乎都是男儿身……而他们 的婚姻合同中使用的字眼是 —— “ Gay Marriage Contract between JIAJUNPENG and The Samurai ” 。 对了, 要修正一下, 以后 The Samurai 要改叫 JIA Samurai 了, 大家可别叫错了。 另外, 当你又在某地厕所之类地方 看到 JIA Samurai 在偷窥时, 别忘了及时通知贾老板哦~
Gay Marriage 合同:

English version:

eChina News(Oct.9th-Oct16th)

editor:shawkcn translator:mariohexu

PartI Domestic news

1, Con tracts for Nation-owned organizations have been signed

Up to day 694, Contracts for Ministry of SinoDefence, Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of SinoEducation, Ministry of Information and People's Bank of eChina have been signed. For detail, please refer to:

2, eChina signed several MPP

This week, eChina signed MPP to eFrance, eUS, eUK and eRomania in succession. See "PartII Hot Topics" for detail.

3, Q5 hospital in Shanghai

In day 690, Jiajunpeng spent 270G (including export license fee) in buying a Q5 hospatal in Shanghai. Meanwhile, the Q5 hospital being contracted in China, also supported by Jiajunpeng, is going to be completed. It will serve as a reserve, waiting for needs. Jiajunpeng spent totally around 1000G for these two hospitals and one hospital company, yet donated everything to the nation. Please show our highest respect to him!

4, two new parties

This week has also seen the birth of two new parties. They are Saturn Community and Shanghai Cooperation. Now that eChina has 9 parties, we are looking forward to see cooperation and competition in the coming congress election.

5, Party President Election

Presidents elected in 15th, this month are: PRP-dawenxi, CDP-The Samurai, Soy Sauce-JIAJUNPENG, F…n Gong-sagaWF, Serpentia-Snayke, Saturn Community-YK.Hg, HKGOLDEN-Roger chan, Jian Shang Party-zippy cr, Shanghai Cooperation-Roths_Child.
Attention is focused on the election in CDP and F…n Gong. The Samurai and Luckycake both advertised, but The Samurai won by 48 to 24. At another stage, sagaWF won the election of F…n Gong, which has been treated as an opposing party for long. sagaWF has started to reform the now-called China Lao-Wai Party.

PartII Hot topics

A lot of things happened in foreign affairs of eChina. The once ignored country became a hotspot. PEACE, EDEN, Fortis, all expressed attention to eChina; eIran, eFrance, eUS, eUK, eRomania all asked for MPP. What in the hell happened? What should we do? We invited dawenxi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to explain it.

"It is complex. PEACE and E/F both want to assure that we don’t join the other side. Anyway, it is our stand to be neutral. They were just forcing us to declare it.

It is also a sensitive moment. On the one hand, there is potential that some countries start resistance war in NK, Heilongjiang or Liaoning. On the other hand, there is also potential that some countries attack Beijing. If northeast territories were returned to eChina, the current owner may attack them. Some countries will be happy to see that as it weakens some countries. Thus come the MPP with eRomania and eUS. Some PEACE countries did not agree with some PEACE countries, so eFrance asked to help eChina as well. Under this circumstance, if some countries dare to invade eChina, they will lose MPP with eFrance and activate some other MPPs. Therefore even without NAP, the chance that eChina being invade is lowered. We can say it a great victory in securing eChina through diplomatic ways.

Lots of countries expressed there understanding of small countries, like eChina and eIndia, to maintain their neutrality by signing multiple MPPs. We hope to solve the problem in minimal cost, but we do not want conflicts. We are ready for any talks on the issue of regions with countries like eIndonesia. However, if some countries want wars, we will give them color to see. "

PartIII Gossip

1, Eventually, alaio was impeached, same as the other two presidents before her. Aliao sighe😛
"A curse. Must be. Nobody avoids since Snayke. "

2, For the impeachment of aliao, some remained words for seer, "President is the one who draws rage."Aliao implemente😛 "President is MT. Drawing rage or drawing complaint."

3, eChina signed MPP with eFrance, eUS, eUK within this week. One joke😛 "If signing another one with Russia, we are signing with all permanent member states (of UN Security Council)."

4, Experienced impeachment, MPP and other issues, one commente😛" Suddenly I think leader of eChina is like leader of China in 194X. Unexpected international situation and fission inside."

5, One day, somebody entered the QQ group by mistake. Several people rushed to serve as referrer. One observer sai😛" Feel like entering a whorehouse. So many rushed out."

PartIV Today's 囧 (囧 is a face, what do you see in this face?)

Today we see the second e-marrage of eChina. It should be good, except, as long as our information suggests, both of them, JIAJUNPENG and The Samurai, are boys. Thus is called "Gay Marriage Contract between JIAJUNPENG and The Samurai." Just to be clear, we should call him JIA Samurai from now on. Don't mess it up. Besides, when you see JIA Samurai again in some toilets, don't forget to tell Boss JIAJUNPENG.
P.S., the contract for Gay Marriage: