[eChina MOFA]RW in Indonesia Occupied eChina Regions 关于印尼所占中国地区起义的外交部声明

Day 711, 06:53 Published in China North Korea by dawenxi

[最新消息:浙江 山西 青海 陕西 广西 已经回归祖国怀抱!]

昨天,中国与印度尼西亚就中国被占领土问题进行了外交谈判。 中国和印度尼西亚初步达成了印尼于近期归还部分低资源省份的双边意向,具体细节还需要 进一步谈判确定,所以正式协议还没有签署。

外交人员谈判回来之后将此初步双边意向提交给国会讨论,正当国会讨论时,我们就看到印 尼人在那些被占省份贸然发动了起义,而且没有任何双边官方协议或者声明。我们非常吃惊 。在谈判正在进行的时候,他们这样单方面行动是有些粗鲁的。

“印度尼西亚总统和一些官员改变了主意。他们(印尼)不是等待中国政府做出答复,而是 决定先释放一些地区,然后再跟中国来谈细节。我(印尼外长)没有被告知这一进展,直到 今天,所以让中国总统问我的时候,我不能给出满意的回答。我对此深表遗憾。”


这一场由印度尼西亚引起的混乱状况,使双方的外交人员都蒙受尴尬。并且使中国从政府到 人民都感到困惑。不管印度尼西亚人提前释放领土是出于什么意图,比如分散以后被他国的 进攻机会,或者出于其他什 么考虑,这都与中国没关系。 无论是谈判协议回归,还是无协议直接回归,每一块领土的回归对中国来说都是重要的。


如果你身在印尼,请在广西、浙江、福建、陕西、青海参加起义战争,帮左边红色一方战斗 。


Yesterday, eChina opened an diplomatic negotiation with eIndonesia about eChina's occupied regions by eIndonesia. eChina and eIndonesia reached an substantial agreement about eIndo's returning eChina some low valuabale regions in near future. More details still need further negotiation. So any official treaty hasn't been signed.

But when our diplomats returned and proposed this to Congress , we suddenly noticed some surprisingly RWs started by eIndos in those occupied regions before any mutual official treaty or announcement were made. We feel very suprised. When mutual negotiation is on the way, any one-side action is rude.

In the article of MOAF of eIndonesia, we finally know some thing. HERE

"(eIndo) President and other officials change minds. Instead of waiting eChina Government to give answer, they decide to release the regions first, and talk about other details later.I was not aware of this development until late in the day, so when eChina president asked, I can not give satisfactory answer. I am very sorry for that."

That's what we eChina knows now.

This chaos created by eIndo makes both sides' diplomats embarrassed. And It made eChina passive and unprepared.

Anyway, RWs is open, if you stay in eIndo, please FIGHT RED in Guangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shaanxi, Qinghai. Don't waste the RW fee eIndo paid.