《eChina 国会简报 Day 2232》

Day 2,232, 12:41 Published in China China by eChina Congress

2232日 - 国会特别汇报 关于 土耳其 MPP 失败

日前土耳其向我国提出 MPP,但因国会协调不力而失败告终。土耳其的 MPP 本属于常规性的 MPP,国会理应通过此 MPP 要求。国会办公室没及时进行协调而导致该 MPP 没能被通过,身为十一月议长的我应负上全责。由于该提案的发起时间落在圣诞节当天,加上该时候介于议会选举日,等等也是造成投票率偏低,也造成协调与补救工作困难重重。


十一月国会议长 & 十二月国会议长

To my Turkish friend and also those who not understand mandarin,

As the congress head of Nov-Dec 2013, I would like to make a public apologize on a past event where the congress of November have fail to approve the MPP proposal from the Turkish government. I would said it is a disaster to eChina congress, because we were losing our purpose, we ran away from what we have planned previously. It is my responsibility to align the action of my congress, but I have fail to do so. It is all due to Christmas, when I back in eRepublik, everything was too late, there already have 10 vote cast on the objection panel (NO vote). Trust me, I hate make thing wrong, but my congress have already tried the best to get 6 YES vote, but it is like the last day of the November congress term, some more it is Christmas.

I would like to apologize on the mess we create. There is misunderstanding in our congress and mis-coordinating from me. As I am the congress head of Dec'13-Jan'14 now, I am looking forward to make thing correct once again, I will give full co-operation to our MOFA to get thing back to it original shape.

Congress Speaker (Nov-Dec '13 & Dec'13-Jan'14)