【e世界观察家】V2内测战场规则 V2 Beta War Rules

Day 935, 02:05 Published in China China by absot

▓ eWorld Observer ISSUE.64 D935 ▓

Scroll down for English. The article is from 3 Days of Beta-Testing Facts. Bonus: War rules.
近日俄罗斯报纸50 Kc.载文3 Days of Beta-Testing Facts. Bonus: War rules介绍进行V2内测3天来总结的战场游戏规则。以下即为其主要内 容摘要。


战斗是基于回合制的。如果轮到你的回合,你可以移动和攻击。如果是在别人的回合,你不 能移动和攻击,但可以选择道具(Booster)进行防守。

当你移动进入没有敌军单位部署的格子时,你就占据了这一格。如果有敌军在里面,必须击 败所有敌人以进入这个格子完成占领。


对攻守双方胜利条件是相同的,必须在战斗开始24小时后控制包括地区首府在内75%的 格子。如果任何一方都没能满足上述胜利条件,战斗将会继续,直到任一方达到上述条件即 立即结束(突然死亡法)。


你可以在“部署区域”内进行部署。攻方的部署区域位于地图的左侧,防守方的部署区域位 于地区的右侧。


道具是扭转局势非常重要的工具。一些道具可以增加击中敌人或降低敌人击中自己的几率。 有些道具能对敌人造成额外伤害或增加整个战斗过程中自己的攻击能力。其他道具可以减少 敌人攻击你的伤害或者增加致命一击的几率。


http://h.imagehost.org/0964/battlefeild-1.jpg">http://h.imagehost.org/0964/battlefeild-1.jpg" />


伤害值:每发射一次武器的基本伤害基于武器技能1级来计算。某种武器的 武器技能越高,就能够输出更高的伤害值。





坦克 vs 步兵
步兵 vs 高炮
高炮 vs 直升机
直升机 vs 坦克


如果处于防御系统的有效范围内,武器防御力属性将获得一个奖励值。点击防御系统所在格 子可以看到其有效范围。点击用户界面信息区域中的“更多信息More Info”,可以显示奖励的数值。

http://h.imagehost.org/0127/battlefeild-2.jpg">http://h.imagehost.org/0127/battlefeild-2.jpg" />


当双方战斗时,你和你的对手互相轮流攻击对方。你有50%的几率能首先发起进攻。每次 进攻有两种状态:

命中与否检查:向敌人射击时,比较你的攻击值(包括了所有的奖励)与敌 人的防守值(包括所有奖励)。如果前者更高,则你击中敌人的几率更大。当你选择敌人时 可以查看该命中概率。

造成伤害:如果你击中了敌人,伤害值基于你的武器技能和所使用武器的伤 害定制比例来计算。武器技能越高伤害值就越大。


V2 Battle Rules

Turn based battles
Battles are turn based. If it is your turn you can move and attack. If it the other side's turn you cannot move and not attack but defend yourself by selecting a Booster.

How to capture a tile
You capture an enemy tile by moving onto it if there are no enemy units deployed on it. If there are enemy units on that tile you have to defeat all enemies on the tile to move onto it and to (re-)capture it.

Attackers and Defenders
The country who attacked the region is the "Attacker". Attackers are marked red. If you belong to the attacking side you will see red borders around tiles your side has captured.
The &quot😉efenders" belong to the country that owns the attacked region, or are allied with it. Their colour is blue. If you fight on the Defender's side you will see blue borders.

Victory conditions
To win a battle either the Attackers or Defenders have to control 75% of all tiles including the region's capital city after the first 24 hours. If no side is able to meet both victory conditions the battle will continue in sudden death mode until one side meets both victory conditions.

Health limit
40 is the minimum health your citizen needs to join a battle.

You can always deploy within your "deployment zone". The attackers deployment zone is located on the left side of the map. The defenders deployment zone is located at the right side of the map.

Forests, hills, cities, plains, and bridges can be crosses by all units.
Water tiles can only be crossed by helicopters.
Mountains can only be crossed by helicopters and infantry.

Boosters are great tools to turn the outcome of a fight to your favour. Boosters can increase your chance to hit the enemy or decrease your enemy's chance to hit you. Some Boosters deal extra damage to your enemy or increase your damage during the whole fight. Other Boosters decrease the amount of damage your enemy deals to you or increases your chance to deal a critical hit.

Joining a battle
You need a minimum health of 40 to join a battle.
You can only join the battle and deploy your unit when it is your turn.

Weapon attributes
Damage: The basic damage the weapon deals per shot at weapon skill level 1. The higher your weapon skill level with this weapon type, the higher the damage you will deal with it.
Attack: Defines your chance to hit the enemy when compared with the Defense value of your enemie's weapon.
Defense: Defines your enemy's chance to hit you when compared with your weapon's Attack value.
Durability: Defines how often you can use a weapon. Each fight against an enemy reduces the durability by one.

Unit vs Unit Attack bonuses (increases own hit chance):
Tank vs Infantry
Infantry vs Anti-Air Artillery
Anti-Air Artillery vs Helicopters
Helicopters vs Tanks

Terrain Defense bonuses (decreases enemy's chance to hit you):
Infantry in forests
Tanks on plains
Anti-Air Artillery in cities
Helicopters on hills

Defense System bonus (decreases enemy's chance to hit you):
You will receive a bonus to your weapon's defense attribute if you are within the Area of Effect of a
Defense System. Click on a tile with a Defense System to see its Area of Effect. If you click on "More Info" in the info area of the user interface you can see how big the bonus is.

How a PvP fight works
When you fight against another player you and your opponent take turns in attacking each other. You have a 50% chance to have the first attack. Each attack has two states:
Hit-or-miss check: If you shoot at your enemy, your Attack attribute (including all bonuses) is compared to your enemy's Defense attribute (including all bonuses). The higher your Attack attribute compared to your enemy's Defense attribute the higher your chance that your shot will hit the enemy. You can see your Hit Chance when you pick your enemy.
Damage: If your shot hits the enemy the damage is calculated based on your weapon skill and the damage customization of the weapon you use. The higher your weapon skill the higher the damage will be.

Quick start

Buy weapon: Go to the marketplace and buy a weapon of your choice. You can fight unarmed but you won't stand a chance against an armed opponent. Daily training will increase you weapon skills. The higher your weapon skill, the more damage you will deal.

Join Battle: Click the Join Battle button when it is your turn. If you cannot see the Join Battle button it is either not your turn or your country is not involved in the battle.

Select weapon: Click on a weapon in the weapon inventory window and click the OK button.

Deploy on map: Find a good spot to deploy your unit. Tiles you can deploy to are highlighted. Click on a highlighted tile to deploy there. Important: You want to have a look around the map before you deploy! Find a spot where friendly units are already deployed or check with your friends. Scroll the map using the d-pad, the mini map, or the cursor keys.

Move: Click the move button. Tiles you can move to are highlighted. Click on a tile you want to make your first move to. Repeat if you want to move further. Info: Weapons have different moving ranges. With some weapons you can move only 1 tile per turn, with other you can move 3 tiles in one turn.

Attack: Move next to a tile that has enemy units on it. Click the Attack button. Click on a highlighted tile. The pick opponent window opens. On top you see your citizen with his/her weapon on the left side. Click on an opponent from the list. It appears next to your citizen. To increase your chances to win the fight select a Booster from the list. Click on Set Attack. You can change the attack at any time.

PvP fight: When the turn countdown has ended the fight against your enemy is taking place. If you are the winner and defeated all enemies on the tile you will move to that tile automatically. If you lost the fight you will be undeployed from the map. You can redeploy when your next turn starts.
Defending: When it is not your turn you can click the Defend button to select a Booster.
You can only redeploy to the tile you got underplayed from or to the next available tile.


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