'e-suicide' attempt - Carr de Vaux in e-Love!

Day 700, 09:23 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
For context, please read the first article:

Breaking news! Apparently the whole e-suicide attempt is a well-crafted plot to attract the attention of the said-girl and allow an opportunity for Carr de Vaux to express his e-Love to the beautiful madame. In the midst of the chaos and all, Carr de Vaux managed to utter one single syllable....

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Update 1029 Day 700

Carr de Vaux would like to thanks all the concerned readers and friends - and thus far, he would like to shameless thank the excellent staff, particularly the cute nurses at the Q5 Hospital for playing along to his ploy. In the search and quest for his meaning of e-life, Carr de Vaux found something that is greater than being the president of eUSA, better than being a Field Marshall and more intoxicating than the best red wine.....is to be in love...

However, the only reply Carr de Vaux got so far, is this particular image...taken when both of them were rehearsing for an advertisement for eFRoSEA....

What does that mean? Who is she? More to come...