[DoPR] - eAust's Prime Minister's Official Statement On The War With eIndo

Day 871, 21:50 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

My Fellow Australians,

As you are probably aware by now the cowardly, honourless and as is obviously the still the case, backstabbing Indonesians have attacked Australian soil once again.

This was not "hack job" as was claimed the last time, this was a legitimate backstab by the Honourless backstabbing Indonesians and their president.

Deputy Prime Minister patti11, Minister of Foreign Affairs Brenflakes and Myself spent over 2 hours discussing peace with the Indonesia President and his Minister of Foreign Affairs Ostin to finally come to a decisions. The Peace Proposal was declared by myself with the support of President Arya Gunawan from Indonesia.

While none of the Australian delegation was completely sure it would be successful, we had hoped that Indonesia had gained some Honour once again. Obviously that was not the case.

It is with a sad heart, that I announce that Indonesia has even less honour than it ever did, has certainly lost all face, and will forever be remembered as the Backstabbers of all backstabbing cowards.

This is how cowardly and honourless the Indonesians and their president are:

Peace Proposal started by Xavier Griffith on 09 April 2010, 08:41
The Attack by the Indonesian President on Northern Territory started on 09 April 2010, 08:48

It took the Indonesian President and Indonesian people all of 7 minutes to backstab Australia and lose all honour, and for them to issue the following:


In response, I've sent the following to Minister of Foreign Affairs Ostin from Indonesia.

"Your Excellency,

It is obvious by your Presidents action in attacking Australian soil after discussions with myself and accepting peace, that Indonesia has no Honour.

This cowardly attack has caused the loss of face of those that support and live in a country that Australia thought actually had honour, and shown once again that Indonesia is still the backstabbing nation it has always been.

As Prime Minister of Australia, I hereby officially cut all diplomatic ties with Indonesia, no further discussions will be entered into, should the Peace proposal that was started succeed, a state of war will once again exist between our 2 nations and Australia will do everything in its power to ensure that Indonesia comes to learn from its constant back stabbing and honourless ways.

Xavier Griffith
Prime Minister

How sad it is to see that a once great nation, has sunk to the depths of complete honourlessness and backstabbing.

I humbly beg the Australian Senate and People to forgive me for wanting to think that Indonesia had once again found Honour and Face, and for trusting that they would actually honour an agreement, it is obvious from their actions that this is not the case.

Should the Australian People feel that I have let them down, I am fully prepared to step down from office and allow the Deputy Prime Minister Patti to take control of the reigns of Government to lead the People and this Great Nation that I and all Australian Love and should be proud of.

Should you, the People of our Great Nation choose to forgive this lapse in judgment on my part, I swear and ask that the Senate grant me permission and the required funds to DECLARE WAR once again (should the Peace proposal be accepted) and to work towards eradicating this backstabbing nation from the eWorld.

I swear, that for as long as I am Prime Minister of our Great Nation, that I and my Cabinet will work towards making this our main goal and do what is needed to bring it about.

Kinds and Humble Regards

Xavier Griffith
Prime Minister