[DMoF]Report of WEEK 2 dispatched SALARIES & REWARDS[DMoF]

Day 1,679, 11:21 Published in India India by Terciopelo
Hello people of eIndia!!!!!

It’s me, your one and only AWESOMOUS COOLIUS MAXIMUS PROBOLIUS (DMoF) once again with an article. 😃 😃

It was one fine day when I was trolling around on IRC and having fun
but suddenly the environment on the channel #indianarmy changed. I could hear and see a guy shouting out my name again and again. I thought someone was here to kill me, I panicked and started running when suddenly he caught me in PM and started giving me orders and then I realized it was actually my BOSS GAURAV12 [MoF] who was ordering me to get some job done.
😃 😃

The job was to give away the awards and salaries of this week as per the INDIAN ARMY PROGRAM initiated by the eIndian Government.

Those eIndian citizens who still don’t know about this PROGRAM please click the link below and read about it: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dmof-did-you-too-get-money-from-me-part-1-dmof--2061100/1/20

My BOSS sent me a list full of eIndian citizens including their rewards and salaries details & sent me some INR to dispatch them respectively. And then I dispatched the rewards and salaries to respective eIndian citizens and completed my job and here I am now writing this article as a report for you guys. 🙂 🙂

The image below shows the details of the rewards and salaries dispatched to eIndian citizens for their BRAVERY, COURAGE and the most important factor ACTIVENESS:

Well this is all for now folks and I will be back soon with another article so wait for it 😉 😃

Signing off,
Yours Friendly,