[Dishmcds]For Once, The Real Deal

Day 590, 12:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury,

Elections will be in two days. That's it. In two days, you'll be asked to vote for the future of your country. Two Whole Days to decide whom you want to support.

What do you know about any of the candidates thus far?

In an effort to provide you with a little more information, here's a rundown:

There's only one candidate who's prepared thus far for this election, which you'll find in the following pieces:

1. Turning Inaction Around, detailing what our main problem is, which is our inability to do things. We just talk a lot.

2. Ministry Outline July 09, a rather long piece on the function of each Ministry and it's duties. We need basics and action. That's it. No Fluff. One difference between me and all the neat little "Watch for the Little Guy!" Slogans is that I'm not here trying to sway you without already being prepared. I'm prepared and ready to lead this country, and I've proven that already, many times over.

3. Policy Outline July 09, which is a carefully laid out policy plan for the United Kingdom. It's about time we got off our rear, and being prepared to step in Day 1 and do my job is the only way we're going to accomplish that.

Summary: In this election you'll hear a few catch phrases. "What Would Dish Do?", "Vote for the Little Guy!", "Flamur's the real deal!".

Those are all nice and well. Hassan and Flamur are very nice and accomplished individuals.

But I'm more than prepared to lead this country.


Vote Smart. Vote Informed. Be Active.

Former 2 term Prime Minister