[Dialogue with eCitizen] Announcement & Congress members

Day 1,162, 02:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Zyleris

Well, Happy Voting Day.

This congress election might be the fairest election held in eMY within a year. (Though all congress members will get in automatically & being dominated by one party)

Well, my message for the eMY citizens

It seems like we have just passed another storm, it is a storm that came unexpectedly & surprisingly.
It is also a storm that eMY tried to cast onto other nation but back fired.

We all had hard time during these stormy periods. Multiple "hidden" issues suddenly emerged onto the surface along with disastrous torrent floods. Fortunately, some insignificant issues lay submerged in the floods.

Human’s life is always full of struggle, always full of uncertainty. We were born to tackle problems since we were small. We choose your own path to take in the plane of uncertainty. We grow from all the little problems/troubles that befallen on us. (All little experiences we had, made us who we are today.)

In short, we should stand tall even if we have fallen many times over.


During these turbulent times (war), i managed to save up some money.

It also means that, all eCitizen can get 5MYR if you voice your opinions in the COMMENT BELOW!!!!
According to the conditions set below



Since today is a congress election day,
I wish to hear your opinions about the congress member of last term & the congress members line up in this coming term.

1st: Type your opinions on the comment below:
1) What do you think about the congress members in this last term?
2) What do you think about the congress members in this coming term?
3) How effective congress members are?
4) Is having congress members important??

2n😛 Then vote and subscribe this article. (And type the vote number and sub number in your comment)

And you will get 5MYR from me. YAY!! (and that is about 2.5 bread)

Easy MONEY!!

Note: Minister and congress members will not get 5MYR but you can type your opinion still.