[DHS] It's That Time Again

Day 2,181, 20:58 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

We are less than a week out of Party President election day. Thus the task falls upon Homeland Security to start firing up the media module with ATO reminders and instructions. This has become a tiresome topic. We see ATO or PTO and our eyes glaze over. It doesn't have to be this way. If we're tired of this topic there's an easy way to make it go away.

The official ATO candidate in the RCP will be Henry William French. On the 15th please visit #voting and pay attention to shouts in order to best use your vote in keeping your country safe. Last month we made great strides in cooperation and coordination. We're nearly there folks. We've been hearing that for months upon months, but the reality of this is self evident.

Ajay Bruno has been seen whining on articles in recent days. The general summary of his drivel has been: "the Serbs are gone now you're just being mean." The idea that the person who actively collaborated with foreign enemies in order to end our nation's political independence should be left alone simply because they've lost foreign backing is ludicrous. An individual with a repeated tendency to sell out their own country to further their own ambition requires watching and containing. Benedict Arnold went home with the British for a reason. Too bad the Serbs won't have you Ajay.

In the coming days DHS will be reaching out to the Leaders of the MUs, Parties, and our allies in order to organize our containment efforts. I'd like to thank those who have already reached out to help with this effort, those who have helped in the past, and those who we will be reliant upon this coming week. Through your efforts we've enjoyed both a CP and Congressional election cycle free and clear of shenanigans. With continued teamwork we shall continue to enjoy our nation clear from the threat of PTO. Just remember Ajay/pthut/Churchill/Cartman/RGR you brought this upon yourself.