绝望的巨扯党 Desperate Juche

Day 647, 17:02 Published in China China by aliao

I don't want to write 2 posts in 24 hours. But things have changed so funny that you don't wanna miss it!

OK, let's go back to the day before congress election.

Our glorious, noble, intelligence and blah blah's K-Rad was so impassioned and said"A vote for Juche is a vote for a better eChina *".

Wow, a foreigner came to eChina to join election just "for a better eChina" inspite of his country was in great danger of PTO at this very moment! I'M SO TOUCHED. Especially the guy told me, "Aliao, I have no interest in changing eChina to eWestKorea, I just want to blah blah blah... *" So Senate Juche's 1st action to make K-Rad's blah blah blah be real is, proposaled an act in order to transfer 4000 CNY from the country accounts to PEOPLES COLLECTIVE FOR KOREA. I know few politics, according to K-Rad's words several days before, I guess their mean is, "We've been pretended know nothing about South Korea's loss of PTO, it's your turn to sacrifice for us now." What a great love to eChina! If any reader of mine still not moved to tears who even cannot be treated as human being!

So Juche is really a beacon in this cold, dark, cruel world. Glorious, noble, intelligence K-Rad, you must tell me the secret of how to tell a lie without blush before you get out of eChina, so that I could have enough courage to say "Respect, tolerance, understanding and compassion *" to those mobs who were robbed by me instead of die in shame.

*You can find all K-Rad's words in this article here:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/what-s-all-this-then--906693/1/all

what they proposale😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/China/law/13289

其实这会儿我不太想打人脸 , 主要是早先已经喷过了。 这跟ooxx 一样, 高潮过后总有个不应期, 不过别人非要在面前跳跳脱 衣舞, 这会儿连遮羞布都扯了, 人家也是混口饭吃, 不象征性地打赏一下总觉得 说不过去——我真是一个大 善人啊。

坐坐时光机, 我们回到议会大选的几天前 。

我们光荣的高贵的牛B 得一米反正什么词儿好听就 往自己身上堆什么词儿以至 于很可能只有春哥才能与之 匹敌的K-Rad 同志在拉票文中慷慨激昂地 高呼道:“投票给巨扯就是 投票给更美好的e 中国!(* 注1 )”

哇靠, 一个外国人, 在关键时刻放着自己就要被PTO 的国家不管, 不远千里来到中国为了更美 好的e 中国而选举, 这是一种什么精神? 我真是感动万分…… 特别是人家对 我说: Aliao , 伦家对把e 中国改成e 西韩国是木有兴趣地, 伦家只是想…… 嗯…… 那个 ……啊……哦……而已嘛(* 注2 )!所以, 在巨扯党员进入议会以后, 作为脚踏实地地实现K-Rad 同志的嗯那个啊哦的第一步 , 就是提出一个议案, 要求将国库内4000 人民币划给PEOPLES COLLECTIVE FOR KOREA , 在下是个对政治一窍不通的人, 依K-Rad 同志几天前说的话来看, 大概他们的意思是, “我们前面已经对我们的祖 国韩国的复国选举 含泪见死不救, 现在轮到你们发扬 国际主义 精神了”, 这是什么?这就是对中国人 民的吃果果的爱啊!如果这 时候哪一个读者还没有 被这群外来的硕鼠 感动得热泪盈 眶, 那简直就是太他大爷的没有 人性了!

在这弱肉强食的世界上, 巨扯党简直就是那黑暗中的 一盏明灯。K-Rad 同志, 您从e 中国滚蛋前, 我在此请求您 千万千万要 毫无保留地把 说瞎话不脸红、 自打耳光气不喘等一干绝技 传授给我, 以便在将来我在因毫不留情 地搜刮光国库而被那些可恶 的暴民漫骂的时候, 我也能鼓起勇气对他们大声 疾呼:“你们要尊重, 宽容, 理解和同情别人嘛!(* 注3 )”而不至于羞愧而死:好 不容易从国库里刮了那么多 钱, 要是到最后住不进精神病院 那不是白忙活了么~

* 注1 : 摘自K-Rad 同志议竞选期间原文:A vote for Juche is a vote for a better eChina.

* 注: 摘自K-Rad 同志议竞选期间原文:Aliao, I have no interest in changing eChina to eWestKorea, I just want transparency in what is ALL OF OUR eNation.

* 注3 :摘自K-Rad 同志议竞选期间原文:Respect, tolerance, understanding and compassion. This is what eChina SHOULD stand for, and blah blah

文中引用K-Rad 同志言论出处:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/what-s-all-this-then--906693/1/all

对了, 最近最重要的事 不是这件, 而是日趁临近 的总统大选, 这件事顶多 算是闲时逗个闷子。 巨扯这种 唯利是图 的团伙会做出 这种无甚胜算的事, 要么真如标题所说 正在作困兽之斗, 要么就是背后有别的 什么势力出于 某种目的在推动。 国家积弱, 世道混乱, 任重而道远啊~ 与诸位共勉~