[Dept. of Information] Government Report

Day 1,704, 01:50 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Ministry of Education and Player Relations:
Minister of Educuation: Roboa
The Department of Education has been contacting New Players regularly to attempt to guide them onto the most beneficial path for themselves & eAustralia and to offer assistance with what ever they need. The Department is looking to revive the New Player Rewards Scheme to further assist active new members.

The Education Department is also looking for Deputies to help out, If you are interested PM Roboa in game.

Ministry of foreign affairs(Europe)
Minister of Foreign Affairs(EMEA): Nicolas Bonaparte
No report received.

Ministry of foreign affairs(Americas)
Minister of Foreign Affairs(Americas): Adam Beck
No report received.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Regional)
Minister of Foreign Affairs(Regional): Binda33
We've been extremely busy contacting allies for their help in the Indo War, and having meetings with New Zealand trying to negotiate for peace as well since we didn't want to fight two enemies at the same time.

For now, it looks like the peace talks with New Zealand aren't going well, but we are continuing efforts towards Peace with them, as we have all term.

Luckily we had plenty of advanced warning about the upcoming Indo threat, due to our contacts in the Indonesian Govt that were able to slip us entire logs of their secret meetings showing exactly how and when they planned to attack us. This helped an enormous amount in thwarting their first attack on Northern Territory and I'd like to thank them very much for their continued help.

Department of Foreign Affairs (Office of the Foreign Service)
Director: TJ Norton

The term has seen some minor changes that comes with a new administration. With the way each of the three geographic regions is divided, the OFS has been trying to keep each MoFA informed about country actions and Embassy appointments, in much of a way as a 'go to' agency within the department itself. We have appointed two new Ambassadors this month - to the United States and New Zealand - and both countries are positive about the change. All in all we have a stronger diplomatic corps than we had two months ago with better communication.

Regarding current events, the OFS is taking advice on recommending our embassy in the eRepublik of Indonesia be recalled. Depending on other motions in the Pacific, we may also consider a new diplomatic strategy with New Zealand. Both of these are hypothetical until Cabinet has the opportunity to meet and discuss.

Ministry of Security
Minister of Security: Sheraz Ahmad
No report received

Ministry of Defence (Main Units)
Minister of Defence(Main Units): CyberCasper
The recent eIndonesia invasion has stalled on it's first attempt, and we're now ready to push back into their home territories! With help from our allies, we managed to turn the tide against a far larger enemy. The final battle was close, with tanks and mercenaries being required right down to the final points. The DoD would like to extend it's thanks to all the people of Australia and her allies for their effort and support, we would also like to extend a personal thanks to Lancer450, for supplying for 8 hours straight, and to Rylde, Canada's CP, for his extreme personal support.

We have won one battle, but there are more coming, the Department of Defence is looking for people to hand out supplies to those helping Australia.

Ministry of Defence (Civilian Orders)
Minister of Defence(Civilian Orders): starscreamzz
No report received.

Ministry of Defence (Mecenaries)
Minster of Defence(Mercenaries): Ramiz Emmi
No report received.

Ministry of Finance
Minister of Finance: Paul J Keating
The budget for July-August has been prepared and approved by senate. The budget sees a major increase in ADF and War Fund spending as you would expect with both the restructuring of the ADF and invasion threat from a superpower.

In addition to distributing budget funding to departments, we are monitoring tax revenue of a range of countries to benchmark our own performance and look for ways to improve by learning from others.

Though the markets have changed significantly since the introduction of rockets we are still working to establish a trading initiative to find ways of boosting government revenue from the mystery shopper.

Ministry of Information
Minister of Information: witherd1
I have just taken over this position, today, as Minister of Information. As far as I can see, there has been very limited communication this month, the first MoI didnt turn up for work, and the second has just left to go home to USA. For the remainder of the month, I will do my best to keep you all informed on the happenings of our Government.

This job isn't rocket science, stay in contact with the Ministers, write down a summary of what is going on, and post it here so you all can read up on what's happening.

If you don't see a report from a particular department, I welcome you to contact the Minister of that department to ask them what they have been doing. If a report was not given, it was because the Minister of that department failed to forward any information of what they have been doing, in the ample timeframe they were given to do so.

As the brand new Minister of Information, I would like to apologise for the the lack of reports until this point, and I will do my best to keep you all informed from here on out. If there is something you would like included in the next report, please don't hesitate to message me and ask me to include it.

Legislative Branch: Senate Updates
From the Speaker: TJ Norton

The Senate for June/July has dealt with a range of MPP renewals and just passed the Budget. The highlight of the Budget was a combined Defence appropriation for AUD $1.8 million. This was sought due to the Indonesian NE conflict and the financial depression a large scale campaign can cost. Despite the enormity of the request, the Senate showed grace and approved.

The term of the Inspector-General of Australia expired during this Senate term. The Hon. Ranger Bob announced his desire to see new generations of players come forward and have a go. There were some melancholy moments when Senators gathered to shake the e-hand that has steered the judicial domain of state order for quite some time. After a respectful period of tribute, Senate opened nominations and the Hon. Lancer450 was elected. Transition has since taken place from the former to the new I-G.

On the legislative front, the biggest movement so far as been the successful passage of the Referendum to Recall the Constitution, with the current to lapse only if a new one is moved and carried. Senators have now branched off into various quarters to devise drafts to combine and form the new document. It is expected this will be carry over business for the new term. Senators have also proposed numerous agendas and discussions ranging from tax rebates to weapon prices to mass citizenship requests.

In the Speaker's office, one of the greatest obstacles to getting resolve and order in the Senate has been the perennial obstacle of indeterminate and nebulous interpretations in our laws. From a position of impartiality, we have advised Senators to consider these issues and if they desire action - they will need to act through the legislative process.

So far - a good term. We have yet another hung parliament and unlike previous months of polar activity - none or chaos - it has been a well measured success and credit to our nation. A proud time to serve.

Minister of Information: witherd1