[Dept of Education] Presidential Elections

Day 1,199, 20:16 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Ministry of Finance

This article is brought to you by the Australian Ministry of Education.

Hello eAustralia

Today we will be talking about CP Elections. Presidential elections are held on the 5th of every month (eRep time) and you receive 1 5 experience points for voting so be sure to vote in all elections.

In the CP Elections you vote for who you want to lead your country. Generally, you choose the candidate who you like best, based on their policies.

In this CP election there are two Presidential candidates, who will endeavor to gain your vote with good policy and platforms.

Presidents have the power to propose unlimited numbers of laws, but,

if the senate consider that presidents is no longer wanted as the head of state, they risk Impeachment.

We have been lucky to have Australian candidates running for Presidency over the last few months, as opposed to PTO candidates (Political Take Overs) from eIndonesia. This is always a threat, dormant or not, so be sure to check all available information and facts available before making your choice in situations such as these.

Once again, be sure to vote each CP, congress and party election. Its one vote that could make the difference, and the experience you gain helps you and your country.

Lord Ferrum

Minister of Education

Deputy Minister of Education