[Dept MoNC] Update, Communications, slangs and abreviations

Day 1,371, 01:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by loyen

Hello new-comers, my name is loyen and I am the deputy minister of New-Comers, which means I help the current minister on his job (the current) minister of new-citizens is irasian.

below is the link to different way of learning and talking to other people.

the wiki is an online encyclopedia, with articles wrote by players, with anything you need to know. to use it, go to the link below, go up to the right side, and you should see a "search" box, in here, type the article you want to read, for example, Ireland or gold. Some citizens wrote articles about themselfs, like chance harrison, irasian, or loyen.

the forum is a place where people can ask questions to other people or answer them. It is also used to discuss things, like congressmen can talk about laws. To use it, you must create an account. Each countries as it's own forum.

IRC or Instant relay chat, is a way of talking to people, directly, which means that as soon as you talk (write) if someone is on, like you, he/she should answer, use it to ask questions to people.
to use, go to the link below and type a nickname, and press go, you should arrive to the chat page:

PM or private/personal message is like sending a letter to someone, and only that person can read it. to send a PM, click on the name of the person, and like at the right, their should be a envolope with a plus sign on it, click it, type the subject on the subject box, and your message on the message boxe.

Slang and abbrevations:
Some people, to write faster, use abrevations, and slang, here is a list of the main ones:

o7 means salute (it looks like a man saluting in the army)

o/ means hi/tap 5

V+S means voted and subscribed, seen in comment in a newspaper

sub, means subscribe (to a newspaper)

CP, Country President

PP, means party president

PTO means political take over, when some from an other country tries to get president, to let his army in.

2-clicker, is someone who only works and trains

Mo means minister of (MoD= defence, MoFA= foreign affairs, MoF=Finance)

MPP, mutal protection pact, a law made by a president, to make an alliance with an other country.

A list of more abreviations can be found here:

People you might like to contact:
this people are people you might like to contact, because they are experinece, and they are really helpful:
Any thing about money, contact bhane/stranger here myself
Any thing about newspaper and writing, contact riggy/d-glennon
anything about politics, contact irasian/chance harrison/me(loyen)

I would like to welcome the 6 new citizens with got yesterday, which is:

Jesus Colman

Welcome and good luck!

Thanks for reading, Your deputy MoNC, Loyen