[Department of Information] November CP Results

Day 1,814, 14:52 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information


Good morning to all Australians and welcome to the first article of the November 2012 Presidential Term. After an exhilarating election yesterday we welcome Ranger Bob to the office of Prime Minister of Australia and wish him the best of luck.

Australian election results ended in a total of 208 votes, only one more vote than last month. Ranger Bob took 50% of the votes with a total of 104, followed by Wingfield who took 32.69% of the votes with 68 ballots. Irule came in third with 13.46% of the totals and 28 votes followed by Arke1 with 8 votes. The election was one of the first in a few months not decided by only ten or so votes with a forty vote majority lead by Ranger Bob over competitor Wingfield. Congratulations to all candidates in their successes and we wish all good luck next month.

But how do these results compare to the voting of nations like Indonesia, America, Argentina, and especially Chile?

Well if you look at the nation currently wiping Australia, Chile, you can see some major differences in elections. Chile’s winner Karl Von Lautaro won with a total vote base of 836 votes (46.89😵, over four times the total votes in Australia. Chile ended with a total amount of votes tallying at a whopping 1783 votes, Eight and a half times our totals. This means a few things for Australia in regards to our war. Firstly their active base and total player base is much larger than ours and as such they have more fighters. This drastically tilts battles in their favors before they even start. But that also means that the victories we have had are quite impressive. Defeating 9 times our active population is a feat indeed, one we’re going to need to keep up in the coming months.

Other neighboring countries around us finished with similar results. President of Indonesia Demon War, finished with 419 votes, nearly half the Indonesian vote and still double the Australian TOTAL vote. Argentina finished with a total of 2346 votes, with Pablo Zaiko taking the Presidency with over 50% of that. New Zeland finished with a total of 172 votes.

But how did our allies elections go over?

South Africa, our neighboring ally, finished with President Had3z who took 60 votes out of 137. Had3z has spent multiple terms in South African congress and we wish him good luck in a coming term and look forward to working closely with him.

The United States of America faced a PTO threat this election but prevailed and elected Former Australian Prime Minister Cerb to the PoTUS position. Cerb took 1648 votes, nearly 60% of America’s entire votes cast. Cerb has as well been in previous congresses, cabinets, and a previous President of the United States. We certainly wish this former Aussie good luck in his coming term with the threats of Chile and Indonesia looming down on America and offer them our full support.
China pulled off bringing Atracurium into his astonishing tenth term as a country President. He won with 539 votes, over 60%. Atracurium is a close friend of Australia and has been over the last few years when he’s held numerous terms in Chinese government, many of which as the President, cabinet member, or congress member. Another person to wish our luck too during the coming term.

The Australian Election
Ranger Bob, Full Cabinet Listing

Prime Minister: Ranger Bob
Deputy PM: Scottty
Chief of Staff: Dany whatever her new name his, Larni

Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Diablo101 and Tim Holtz

Minister of Defense: Flatty

Minister of Information: Irule777
Deputy of Information: Molly Jo

In articles to come, Budget, Term Goals, Cabinet Reports, Updates from the CP, and so much more!

Department of Information
Minister: Irule777
Deputy Minister: Molly Jo