~ Darkness Engulfs eIndia ~

Day 1,865, 11:34 Published in India Albania by Roger Griswald

Over the last few weeks I have watched a car crash unfold here in eIndia. That car crash was the EDEN-exit affair led by our current CP. I have seen a number of eIndian citizens call my beloved MU (United Aggression) traitors and EDEN fanatics and a bunch of other things, but mostly I have seen the assertion that we are not actually looking out for eIndia’s best interests. This could not be further from the truth.

While the United Agression is a great MU, filled with some of my best efriends, it hardly has a unified political ideology. In fact many of us are in total disagreement on how and why government funds should be used. And we have had a long history of fighting for our individual beliefs.

On the issue of eIndia separation from EDEN, several of us thought it was a poor political decision, but not for the same reasons. Regardless of our thoughts on the issue, the small number of people that cared enough to vote decided against what I thought best. We feared that without any allies, eIndia would be a sitting duck and be ripped apart in a series of occupations for our resources.

So where do we sit now?

eIndia is about to get a wake up call, all that I feared will come to pass. If it wasn’t enough of a sign that our only really allies are in EDEN already—with Indonesia pushing into our occupied territory without permission from our government—then it will be made crystal clear in about 24 hours when Serbian controlled Thailand declare us as their natural enemy.

Thailand is planning a long-term occupation, to gain resources and as many fights as they can. However unlike Croatia, we should not expect any rental income. No, Thailand could care less about our wishes.

So, we have just said goodbye to the EDEN brotherhood the only chance we had for soverignty, we have traded in long standing alliances (be it that we felt neglected from time to time) for no allies and an occupation by CoT controlled Thailand.

All in all I would say that we are worse off and will be until we remember who are real friends actually are.