【大漢時報】DaHan Times-請幫忙拯救新人

Day 747, 03:47 Published in China China by LinHenry


一位教育人員昨天看到了这家企业集团:Biomedical Group 2

因為他開2星公司招新人,所以告诉他,自己是教育部人员,因为这个国度的大部分0-1 级技能的新人,不能清楚体会在2星公司工作会对自己有何影响,请他不要再雇用这样的新 人了,如果他能照做,我们会很感谢他的高义的,以下是原文:

I am a staff of MOE e-China, gald to meet you. The one being 0 working skill is always newbie in this nation, and they do not know enough about what is up to it. So not to recruit them please, and we will be pride to your noble virtues.
sincerely yours

然后他回信了,他说他的行为是在照顾我们的新人,因为他用比较高的工资聘用他们,并且 指出本国的国企没有开低技能岗位...........大家可以去看看真的没有吗?

Re: hello~~
I cant see where is the problem for hiring people with skill 0 . I know they r new people into the game but there r not any job offers at skill 0 for them .
If u know people with skill 0-1 never r profitable to a company , but since the wages is too high in China i prefer the low skill people just to have my max productivity and the + for the country is that i offer low skill jobs .
Tell me please if there is something that i am missing

他的回信与行为深深的感动了我,相信也会感动不少人的,在此,我以最卑微的请求,请求 最我亲爱与热心的国民们,大家去他的公司工作吧,用你平时最高的体力(30+)去它的 公司感谢他这样照顾我们的新人,请在打了仗后先在他的公司工作,然后再去医疗。


Kirk.Xu 致上