[CW] I am dissapointed. heh.. Whats new

Day 2,635, 07:23 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

I am going to post a pretty offensive article that may offend you. if you do not want to be offended then now is a good time to close this article. You have been warned.

On the election

Congrats to IBB for winning the elections. I hope your second month brings us peace in war that will free us from our dictators. You fought a fair and good battle this election and are fully deserving of the win.

On the state of the country

We are as we have been for a long time. Heavily divided and fighting within ourselves. Favoritism is sickening and obvious. A man that stole our entire treasury in the past.. Hundreds if not thousands of real life Canadian dollars worth of our gold and CAD taken, and yet he is forgiven and given chances to do what he pleases and yet DMV is STILL getting shat on for the crime of trying to succeed in this game.


People bitch about DMV saying he will start a war.. Yet these same people vote Rylde in KNOWING he is going to spend ALL our cash and nose dive us into unwinnable war after unwinnable war.

The hell?

It blows my mind how people revert back to being a child with school yard politics.

Yes we all want fun. Yes we know this is a game but year after year we stay weak and puny and we tell ourselves (We used to rule the eWorld. we USED to be something. We used to be feared! Complacent in our leaping of crappy situation after crappy situation. I laughed to myself when I was told we held another country for a few weeks. Like this was a big feat. You know what? It would have been if we didn't lose our friends/money/pride and get wiped back to nothing a week later.


One day we will learn to work together. One day we will stop looking at eachother for lulz and start looking at our enemies and other countries for lulz.

Until then we are a split and divided little country that cannot and will not ever be great.

Oh and don't worry. I am not going to just be an ass and leave it at that. In 20 days I am going to come forward with a proposal to the country. If the people finally want to start to stop sucking, unite and go forward outside of our little bubble we made for ourselves then they can jump on the choo choo train.

I have learned a lot in the last month and I have started to open my ears.

I was pro politics.
I was pro trying to find ways out of situations without wars.
I was pro eCan

I am now pro Politics
I am now pro using our war machine to push the above politicking
I am now pro uniting eCan.

Call me insane or call me a fool for being here month after month, Dedicating a ton of my time to trying to make a fake country in a crappy game work together to win. But damnit. I hate losing and I refuse to not give it my all to get us in the winning chair.

The man....
The legend..
The one you pray to at night..
The one you wish you were...
The mountain of molten lust...
Gods gift to all of humanity...
I'm the humblest person on Earth, I'm so humble that I make the Dalai lama look like Kanye West by comparison.
Utter and complete perfection wrapped up in the most lusted after human to ever be gifted to this planet..


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Thank you for taking the time to read my article.