[CrOmegaLand] Tutorial - MoE

Day 2,247, 12:39 Published in Ireland Croatia by KING 1950

[CrOmegaLand] Tutorial - Ministry of Education - Natural Enemy

Natural enemy, abbreviated NE, is a law that can be used to attack some of the neighbors of your country. Each country can have only one natural enemy . Congress and the president can propose it.

This congress or CP states suggest NOT.

Such battles are called MPP battle, where they can participate without allies, relocating.
That you are able to fight in such battles, such as in Ireland , you must be in one of the Croatian region or regions of the Irish allies, unlike RW battles.
When the bill passe😛
Free - war will be opened between the two countries
- citizens of the country which declared natural enemies will get a +10 % bonus to fighting against the same.
Unable to sign peace with your natural enemy . Once is NE set , can not be changed for 7 days. After 7 days, the current can not be changed or turned off. If you NE turn off, the citizens of your country will get a +10 % bonus. If you wish, you can set a new NE immediately after you remove it.
After completing one campaign struggles, the state has 24 hours of the next attack.

Online guerrilla fight in battles NOT
In NE battles you can fight in the guerilla fight. You have to have 100 energy and five victims to enter into a duel. Gerillu recommend players from d3 and d4, because the younger players a lot less likely to win. But about that some other time.


Is NE common ? If the state declares a state B as its NO, if it means that the state B also has a country such NO?
No, no, not together, unless both countries do not declare one another for their NO. It may happen that the state has a state B to NO, and the state has a state B C NO. In this case, all the citizens of the state will have a bonus in the war against the State B, while the citizens of the state B have a bonus in a war against the state C.

Can my country to be selected as NE by several countries at once?
Yes, the state can be selected as NE several countries at once.

Will I be able to undo the natural enemy?
Yes, when proposing the law does not, one option is to cancel your current NO: But this can be done only after 7 days of placing your NE.

Is a bonus for Ne in the fighting goes for allies?
No, no bonus does not apply to allies.

What will happen if there is already a war against the state B, and are passing two laws at the same time, one law truce with the state B, the second proposal states B as NE?
- If the peace vote before its natural enemies, the war will be closed and reopened for free after the law is passed in its natural enemies. If natural enemies before accepting peace, peace will be automatically rejected.

Ty for reading, now VOTE+SUB+SHOUT!
Minister of education Jurica Juki