[CrOmegaLand] Tutorial - MoE

Day 2,202, 12:12 Published in Ireland Croatia by KING 1950

[CrOmegaLand] Tutorial Ministry of Education - VOTERS CLUB

Today I'll show how you can earn on Voters Club.

Voters-Club http://www.voters-club.com
VotersClub is the most popular and oldest Voters Club in eRepublik. If you are active every day you can earn a lot of money, especially on custom orders.
When you open VotersClub you will see this:
Then you have to fill data:
When you login you will see orders:
When you make all orders you can go to Open your Accaunt˝
There, you see how much you have earned, how much you paid and how much you should pay:
Also, you can put your orders on Voters-Club http://www.voters-club.com/Order.aspx

Other Voters Clubs
Here you earn less, but this is useful, too.

Minister of Education in CrOmegaLand
Jurica Juki