[CPF] Oh look a bird, nope it's work taxes!

Day 2,387, 14:20 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke

This one is for Tom Joad,


Well blah blah blah I says to her, listen lady, I didn't know 5 dollars could buy that much, but can you please get off my lawn! Crazy ladies aside (sorry Mary Chan is still here though) I just wanted to discuss further about what we can do if only the work tax is changed.

eRep is a funny game, and the economy is even worse and hard to predict, however I still think there are some things we can figure out from it. We are going to raise taxes to increase our MPPs and build a war fund, yet I don't see anyone saying how many MPPs or how big of a war fund. Instead most of it seems to be we need moar monies!

I still stand by my budget analysis and rough proposal of a tax increase to 4% across the board here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cpf-taxes-and-budget-2405008/1/20

However some Congress Members wish to only increase the Work Tax, perhaps to 5%. This is fine as long as we tax responsibility on a few things:

1) How much money do we need?????????? I've said 10 MPPs and $100,000 CO fund in two months
2) How long will this experiment go for to get a good data set?
3) Who will volunteer to help record and analyze the data?

These are simple questions, but yet to have many answers coming from our elected representatives.

Here is a video I made on how we can figure out what Work Tax is worth in Canada if we are to only change it. From here we can make better estimates as to what an increase would bring in, and how it will help us reach our goals.



