[CPF] January Congressional Team

Day 1,160, 22:28 Published in Canada Canada by In Tyler We Trust

Big Moosey is happy to announce that the Union Nationale has agreed to allow 4 CPF Canadidates to run under their banner this month. This is to reciprocate what we did for them, when about a year ago, and were not yet a Top Five Party, the CPF allowed UN candidates to run sporting the Big Moosey logo. Both the Canadian Progressive Front and the Union Nationale are happy to have this agreement.

Representing Big Moosey this month are four quality candidates, one of whom is a former Canadian Prime Minister – Alias Vision.

You may check out his congressional platform here. We are also excited by his announcement that he will again contest the nation’s highest office next month.

Alias will be running in Alberta, along with JoeDubs (platform here), a man who has found a temporary and happy home with the CPF.

Joe, on the left, explaining his platform to interested citizens.

In British Columbia, we have a former CPF Party President, Funky Hum24n, whose platform is here.

eCanada’s resident alien is looking to make his 5th appearance in the hallowed halls of our Legislative Assembly.

Party stalwart and Lord of the Lulz, Spencer Magee, rounds out the CPF candidates running under the CPF, also in B.C.

Here, in one of his many less sane moments, we see what Spencer did to current PP Wilhelm Gunter one day last summer. In the background, we see CPF members Taiwan Panda, Exalted Druid, and Spencer all poking fun at their future Party President.

Big Moosey believes that these four men are quality individuals, and deserve your consideration when it comes time to casting your vote on Tuesday.

If you need moving tickets to vote for one of these guys, please don’t hesitate to contact In Tyler We Trust for a free ticket.

The Seven Tenets of Canadian Progressive Front
1. Support & Fund Canada's growing independent militias
2. Increase the efficiency of our Canadian Armed Forces
3. Advance our role in the Brolliance and EDEN
4. To respect and recognize the mechanics of the game
5. Ensure responsible government for eCanada
6. Facilitate the development of new players
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by supporting and maintaining the well-being of its citizens.

Wilhelm Gunter
Party President
Canadian Progressive Front