[CPF] Country Presidential Elections - Alias Vision

Day 1,173, 00:00 Published in Canada Canada by In Tyler We Trust

Probably to the surprise of no one, the Canadian Progressive Front has thrown its’ support for today’s Country Presidential Elections to Alias Vision.

Why Alias? Well, I cannot speak for every member of the party, but I suspect most of us decided to support him because of his character and experience.

As Alias mentioned in his own article the other day, comparing the various candidates, there are very few differences among the goals and promises of the legitimate candidates. They are all very similar, with minor tweaks and differences.

So, why has the CPF chosen to support Alias Vision? One reason is his Experience. He’s a former and recent Country President, having ruled over us after the original Rolo thefts early last fall. He performed admirably, if not spectacularly. His premiership wasn’t flashy, but he got the job done. He’s a steady eddy. He paced himself, did well with what he had, and eCanada was stronger because of him.

He is a prolific author, and is well esteemed in this area of the game. Through his articles, and his past Presidency, he demonstrates a thorough understanding of the game, as well. From international politics, to the financial module, and to the military module (as often as these latter two have been changed) his comprehension is right there among eCanada’s leaders. He understands that quick, reactionary decisions are not always best and can in fact be harmful. Alias Vision knows that the more thoughtful, carefully instituted moves are the ones which have more potential to help eCanada.

His Character is also above reproach. He’s a mature, highly respected individual. He NEVER trolls, and always addresses people, including those he disagrees with, with respect and civility. There has never been any question of his honesty. His integrity couldn’t be higher.

The Canadian Progressive Front is proud to back Alias Vision, and before you cast your vote, we ask you to read his campaign article. In short, we believe he is the most qualified individual to become our President.

Vote Alias Vision for CP – for a stronger, more steadfast nation.

Note: Alias Vision is Blue Moosey endorsed!