[CP] Treaty with Sweden [DE|EN

Day 1,712, 06:25 Published in Germany Germany by Bundeskanzleramt


Nachdem wir bereits mehrfach mit Schweden über eine Änderung des vorhanden Vertrages verhandelt haben sich jedoch der schwedische Kongress dagegen gestellt hat und wir nun eine relativ unproduktive Phase der Verhandlungen hatten, habe ich entschieden das es genug ist und wir unsere Region zurückholen. Es geht im Detail darum, dass wir zwei Regionen an Schweden abgegeben haben welche ihnen einen 40 prozentigen Zusatz an Nahrung liefern und wir bisher nichts dafür bekommen haben. Nun haben der schwedische Präsident und ich entschieden den Vertrag wie ich ihn vorgeschlagen hatte zu unterschreiben und zu veröffentlichen, wodurch er offiziell gültig wird.



We have had negotiations with Swedens government in the past of this month already about changing the treaty, but since the last proposal was rejected by the Swedish congress we kind of had a very unproductive phase of our negotiations and I decided that enough is enough and ordered our troops to take back our regions. The former treaty gave Sweden two regions which provided them with 2 food bonus while they did not have to pay. Now the swedish President and I have decided to sign the new treaty and publish it in our newspapers to make it official.


Here we go:

Agreement between Germany and Sweden.

- German representative: ilphen, President of Germany

- Swedish representative: Volcker, President of Sweden

1. Sweden will keep German core territories.

2. Sweden will hold 2 regions: Brandenburg and Berlin and Mecklenburg Western-Pommerania. These regions will not be given up at any moment to any other country.

3. Germany will not start or support any resistance war in regions mentioned in point 2.

4. If Sweden loses control over one region mentioned in point 2:

The governments of Sweden and Germany are going to have a meeting about the return of the region to Sweden as soon as possible.

5. This agreement starts with the date of signing and will be renewed every 7th of month at 12:00 eRepublik time automatically, if both parties will not agree otherwise.

6. Both Germany and Sweden are obliged to work on diplomatic solutions in case a foreign power tries to interfere with this agreement.

7. Sweden pays a rent of 90 Gold per months to Germany on 7th of each month for the regions mentioned in point 2 starting with the 28th of July.

8. This treaty can be changed by the country presidents of Germany & Sweden if mutual agreement is present.

This treaty will come into immediate effect when the following 2 conditions have been met:

- Both Country Presidents mentioned above agree with this proposal,

- Both sides have published this treaty in the official state newspaper of their countries.

SIGNED 07-28-2012 3:30 eRepublik time

ilphen, President of Germany

SIGNED 07-28-2012 3:30 eRepublik time

Volcker, President of Sweden

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