[CP] So Far, So Good

Day 1,950, 20:06 Published in Canada Canada by Homer J Simpson

Well the mpp battle has begun and so far, so good. It's been a tough fight to this point and I don't see that changing. The Spanish know how to put up a strong show of force.

Canada and Spain face off

But when times get tough I just look at those fighting to defend Canada's freedom and I feel like.......

Operation "Much Apu About Nothing", the battle for Canada's congress, has been an interesting and fun ride so far.

We've seen the Spanish congress at work with the NE proposal.......

We've seen Eric Last blast holes in the Spanish lines.....

We've seen allies and friends, old and new fighting side by side to help us in our hour of need.......

Some things to remember:

- Fight smart. Don't waste damage if the wall is high in our favour

- Supplies are available at #ecan.supply on rizon

- If you have to fight and the wall is high then look for an allied battle. There are plenty to choose from or jump on IRC and ask

- http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/39673 🙂

As always, stay strong, fight hard, fight smart!

For Canada!