[CP] September 2013 Dáil Guide

Day 2,117, 15:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian E CoIeman

September 6, 2013

Hello eIreland,

As promised during my campaign, the measures discussed in my campaign articles will be implemented to ensure the effective operation of Dáil. These measures will ensure that both Dáil threads are given a chance to discuss potential proposals before they are sent to vote, and will keep eIreland's Dáil more accountable to the people.

Before accepting an immigration candidate or making a proposal, Dáil will require the appropriate seal of approval to be posted in their thread. Any proposals or citizenships used without pre-approval will result in the acting Dáil member's actions being featured in a [CP] report.

This is not harsh punishment. Let the public be the judge of your actions if you believe you were in the right. No one can claim these reports will spotlight anyone unfairly, as you have now all been informed of the objective rules that are in place.

Immigration Approvals

Authorized Personel:

[CP] Ian E Coleman, [IO] Liam Tatlock, [IO] Mary Robinson, [IO] Ian Arbuckle.

Stamp of Approval:

***** e I R I S H :::: I M M I G R A T I O N *****
Immigrant Name: Sir Stupid Genius
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5927592
eCountry of Origin: United Kingdom
Link to Immigration page:
Link to September 2013 Dáil Guide:

Dáil Proposal Approvals

Authorized Personel:

[CP] Ian E Coleman, [MoD] Seanan, [MoF] AppleMan.

Stamp of Approval:

***** e I R I S H :::: G O V E R N M E N T *****
Proposal: Mutual Protection Pact w/ Republic of Macedonia
Discussed in Both Threads: Yes
Recommended by Issuing Official: Yes/No/Neutral
Link to Administration page:
Link to September 2013 Dáil Guide:

NOTE: The obvious exception to the pre-approval requirement is impeachment proposals. Those can be made without any approval, and wont be considered rogue, though it may still be reported in an article.

Ian E Coleman
Taoiseach of eIreland