[CP] Operation: Polar Vortex and Resource Wars Summary

Day 2,632, 08:50 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

My fellow Canadians,

I come to you today with crucial updates and news about the Immediate Future of eCanada. With our improved Bonuses secured, and our allies preparing to launch, the liberation of our Home and Native Land is at hand.

Operation: Polar Vortex

As I have mentioned to you and our Military Leaders in eCanada our liberation is finally at hand.

As some of you have seen, our allies France and Iran have both proposed Laws of War Against our FYROMian Occupiers.

France via Natural Enemy

Iran via Air Strike

With our Allies direct intervention, and joined by our own Natural Enemy, we will drive our FYROMian Occupiers from our Lands and once again remove them from the History Books.

With all these battles coming I ask every eCanadian to be ready to give it their all and to Follow Battle Orders as they are posted on the eCanadian Media. Votes will be bought for these articles and be sure to Fight where you are needed in these coming Wars.

Fight Hard, Fight Often, but most importantly, Fight Smart.

Resource Wars

With the Resource Wars wrapping up eCanada's 13 Provinces are finally all accounted for, and, after some quite frankly screwy maths and a few missing Deer, we have come out better than before.

As you can see above, we now have the following Total Resource Bonuses:

Weapons 60%
- Saltpeter in Alberta
- Oil in the Northwest Territories
- Iron in Saskatchewan
An improvement of 20% from our Previous Bonuses.

Food 80%
- Fish in Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador
- Grain in Nunavut and Prince Edward Island
- Cattle in British Colombia and Nova Scotia
- Fruits in Manitoba and the Yukon
An Improvement of 20% from our previous Bonuses + Doubles of every Resource.

We should've gotten Deer as well as there were 7 Deer resources remaining, however, Mechanics that the Admins wonked up means we were stuck with others.

Houses 20%
- Sand in New Brunswick and Quebec
An acceptable Decline of 40%.

It was decided that Housing would not be a priority for eCanada as our Housing Market is minuscule and the benefits of housing are not nearly relevant enough to make it a priority. However, we attempted to get Wood as well, but were denied by Admin Mechanics yet again. Unfortunate, but it happens I suppose. Tickets were submitted to address these issues, but no response as of yet.

A big thank you as well to AriesPrime. He has been invaluable to our success in the Resource Wars. Without his constant updates and thorough checking and cross-checking we are surely better off than we would have been without his guidance. o7


I will be releasing a Second Article Tomorrow afternoon to summarize my plans on continuation of my CP Terms.

This article is to focus on the Country. Our Country, the True North, Strong and Free.

Until next time eCanada.

Highest Regards,
Your President, at War,

See You on the Battlefield
