Day 2,198, 21:38 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Nyx Lynx


I’m fairly prolific, but I didn’t even write an article to rejoice winning back our core regions. I’ve been a bit upset by certain things. I’ve to address it since it was proliferating.

A low-life like Ahsan Shahbaz who has done NOTHING to help out has made some serious accusations, called me an inactive CP, failure, doom etc. He has vomited venomously all over the Congress thread. I’ll post all the screenshots if you want.


The issue mainly started with the HoC. I have said sorry to HoC Pak786 beforehand because I was going to write about him and wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for Ahsan’s nonsense.

For any mistake done by ANYONE in the government, I take FULL responsibility. There have been no such grave mistakes anyway. But I am disappointed that HoC sat there without speaking one word in my defense when Ahsan Shahbaz was spewing all that sh1t out of his mouth on the pretext of defending HoC.

HoC has been difficult to work with from day 1. I got everyone’s co-operation but HoC always gave me an attitude. Sometimes talking to HoC = Head on Collision (with a truck)

I’d ask about Congress (it was inevitable since we were facing a major PTO threat), he would be headstrong and say that I am interfering with his job, I’m questioning his authority. One day, for 3 min form, he argued with me for thirty minutes.

I would ask the status of CS passes, the response time was very slow. I was also kept away from Congress thread initially. It has been very inactive and lacked direction. But after TheJakal spoke to Pak786, he somewhat became co-operative but not quite.

I’ve repeatedly asked HoC to remove Dr. Walter Bishop from Congress. Even in my articles I asked him to do it. Has he done it yet? No. I get 100+ messages and alerts each day and he cries about his difficulty.

All this was fine but then HoC does something that made me cringe. That bullshit party politics article that created unrest in the media about Sparkfyre, HoC who claims being unbiased, posts it on Congress thread and says she has been caught making multis.

I took a deep breath. Mohammad Bilal went berserk, literally. He demanded an immediate change of HoC. Then wastrel Ahsan Shahbaz, sees an opportunity to pop up and do cheap politics and starts his whinefest.

The eIndian NE

The rules of the game had been changed by Plato. Yes I am guilty of over-analyzing and over-thinking things. That is how I work. I have to just explore the options.

I was upset with TheJakal for simply mischievously saying “lets NE eIndia”. And HoC Pak786 just goes ahead and proposes it. Not a word was said to me, nothing was discussed in Def/FA threads. TheJakal said he didn’t expect anyone to actually do it.

Before the war HoC asks me, “What are your plans for the war?”
I replied, “You tell me, you are the one who proposed NE. Did you ask me that question, before?

I’m then forced to propose MPP with Serbia. I was put on hold for the MPP, I came out looking unprofessional.

ePakistan - eIndia

See now war with eIndia isn’t a big deal. Yes, it is always fun. Diplomacy wise, it makes no difference because beyond a point, eIndia-ePak relationship just hits that level of saturation. Not all people are pacifists like me who genuinely want world peace. Anyway, we can easily defend our regions. It is going to just be a back and forth war due to the determination multiplier.

Some of the older losers in eIndia have been b1tching behind my back as usual, yawn and meh, but I’ve been getting messages from their newbies who thanked me for the war lol. They said they have been bored and that some players that quit were also returning. Newbies are nice. But you have to thank TheJakal for it lol. Good or bad it was his idea, his supplies etc.


But a word prior to all this wouldn’t have hurt cos ultimately the buck stops with me. I have to answer for everything and take responsibility.

Also the war wasn’t started late deliberately (Lol the eIndians had been waiting for a long time, since night that there will be a war soon ). I was extremely busy in RL and I rushed it to make it within time so it wouldn’t go on auto attack.

Then I quickly send messages that we are going to start a war and I start the preps. I go to the IRC strategy room, set up our mechanisms, Strywgr, Didei, Berserk, TheCaliph and others join me.


There we are facing 6x influence. We are busy with the first rounds of war. And at the very same time, there is fit-for-nothing Ahsan Shahbaz in the Congress thread, calling me inactive, and a lot of things wasting good time. Who the bloody fu(1Ahsan Shahbaz to point his finger at me when he has contributed NOTHING! ZERO. He starts attacking me. It was infuriating.

How can a person sit there and talk so much against someone who has put in all that time and effort this month? I don’t expect a thank you, but I atleast expect a decent amount of consideration. All this just for politics? Does this man have any shame at all? Any self respect? Every time you ask him to do something, he cites RL and escapes.

But he suddenly finds ALL the time in the world to write accusatory essays. Each reply three paragraphs long. Everytime, there is a little bit of disturbance, Ahsan Shahbaz springs up out of nowhere and starts his ‘RAND1 R0NA.’ (WildOwl taught me that urdu phrase on IRC to use it against others lol).

Ahsan Shahbaz was crying a river, bawling his eyes out. Useless, wastrel knows nothing about the game or its mechanics, can’t tell his ar5e from his elbow when it comes to FA, he sits there and talks like he is an achiever. Yes you are an expert at FA if FA stood for “Fu(1

He always talks about having done things in the past taking credit for the works of others. He goes on with his, “this was done in 16th century, that was done in 17th century.” What are you doing now? ZILCH. Invent a time machine, shove yourself in it and sod off to 16th century then.

Then all the time he says, “We have supported Nyx, we have supported Nyx. We are working together for ePakistan”

Excuse me, but you have done ZERO work. Your only redeeming statement is “We have supported Nyx”? Every single time, that sleazebag has cashed in on it.

I want someone to propose impeachment. I know you aren’t going to, because you don’t want to see Walter up there as CP. But I want Ahsan Shahbaz to vote ‘Yes’ for impeachment. I want to throw his vote right back at his face.


It was MY HUMILITY that I asked your party support. You didn’t come to me FIRST to support me against Walter. I DID. I came to your doorstep and asked to be united. That is why I said if you did that in RL, it is ‘haram’ (Idk, Shin Gouki told me something about Zakat and Haram)

Don’t take credit for your “UNITY” drama. You don’t believe in unity, you are a snake. I remember the words of this very intelligent person. He said, “the rest are ok, but I would never trust Ahsan Shahbaz. He is a snake.” He is so right.

Ahsan Shahbaz is a parasite, a blood sucking leech who feeds on the life force of others. He is the cancer of progress and he tries to bring people down when they are working. He drains your energy. He brings down your motivation, your morale. He is counting on you to fail. From the tip of his hair to the tip of his toe he oozes sleaze. Yuck! He says he has lost respect for me? Lol I would find it offensive if the likes of Ahsan Shahbaz respected me.


He uses the “F word, he has used the A word, he says sh1t, bullsh1t, screw you etc” and then he pretends to have a higher moral ground and says I have no honor or character for using F word. Why? Because I am a girl and I use F word? You are a misogynist. If you talked about my character in RL and pointed fingers at me, I would break your hand and slap your face with it 😃

I pray to the universe that such dregs of society stay away from me in RL. I loathe people like this. Even in a game where it is supposed to be fun, he tries to pull people down. He says I have made enemies? Lol who needs friends like you? I am removing you from my friends list.

I am no longer giving you anymore attention because you’re a rabid cur and I am a lioness. You bark, I ROAR. When I ROAR, you will squeal and run into a corner with tail between your legs. First you used to cry about TheJakal, now you can add me to your list as well. He has kept you in the place that you deserve and from now on, so will I.

The Verdict

You saying, “I am a failure, my CP term is a doom etc” shows how jealous you are lol. This place is active, players are active. It is EVIDENT. I have done a great job 😃 I’ve enough self esteem and security to say that. Well done Nyx Lynx : D

My government has done a great job. Well done all of you! You have all done great work and I thank you for that. I even thank Pak786 for his work. Mansoor you are far superior to Ahsan cos atleast you do whatever work, in your own way atleast.

You can discredit me all you like Ahsan, but even in the game, YOUR ALLAH stands witness to the sincerity of my work.


Haha What do you think Ahsan? Because of your words, I will feel sad and give up? You think I am a loser like you? Play your weak childish mind games with somebody else. Aww you miserable soul, I feel sorry for you. You’re mediocre sh1t. I am a warrior lol. I take up things when they are challenging. You were making excuses crying about empty treasury. I took up the same treasury and worked with it.

When going gets tough, the tough get going! Last month nobody was stepping up except that Islamophobic racist KKK trash hick Bishop. Now, there are lots of them who want to be CP. I am glad I have induced such spirit.

What more? The high priest Dio Drumble is coming home. He will impart wisdom in the Dioist Sanctuary. Dioism is legacy. No one can deny the credo or creativity behind Dioism. If they do, they are just being jealous that they didn’t come up with it.

Yours tough-enough,

Nyx Lynx
(The Queen Empress and President of ePakistan)

PS- I am going to tighten up some loose ends. I will write another article shortly, telling you all exactly the procedures to be followed. Why? I am still The Queen Empress here. And I won’t let some political opportunist to make ePakistan weak. We are winners and whiners will be whiners. Good luck! Let’s do this!

To the enemies I say, “BRING IT!”