Day 2,404, 06:55 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Greetings, dear eDanes!

We have reached the mid-term, and it's time to go through some events now. In this article I will cover my activity for real danes in eDenmark, Party President and congress elections, NSPP Strike and a little bit about the near future. This article includes a giveaway to citizens of eDenmark. Participation by comments. One commenter with citizenship of eDenmark will receive 500 cc and 10 Q7 tanks

Activity for Danes

It is a generally accepted concept that the citizens of eDenmark are not of the most active ones. During this two weeks we have been testing that, and trying to prove it wrong. The first attempt was to activate the real Danes. Idea was to write a short-story about some eRepublik related topics. There was also an incentive of 10 000CC + plus prize tanks to be divided between participants.

In the end, only Kristian Klausen participated. Here is his story.

Fra en ukendt fynbo til en regeringsmand

Mit navn er Kristian Klausen. Jeg vil i det kommende stykke fortælle historien om min udvikling fra en ukendt fynbo, til en af de mere kendte danske Erepublik spillere.

Som så mange andre blev jeg inviteret af en bekendt til at spille dette spil. I de første par år af min tid her i eDanmark, var jeg meget uvidende om hvad det overhovedet gik ud på. Det skulle der imidlertid blive lavet om på. Jeg besluttede mig for, at blive en del af regeringen. Udover at jeg begyndte at skrive artikler, så besøgte jeg jævnligt eDanmarks officielle IRC kanal #eDenmark. Til sidst men ikke mindst blandede jeg mig i debatten, når der blev skrevet noget på erepublik.dk. Siden jeg blev regeringsmedlem første gang, har jeg efter eget udsagn ikke set mig tilbage. Jeg forsøger hele tiden, at bidrage med lige præcis det jeg kan, ligesom jeg forsøger at forbedre eDanmark.
Dette er min eHistorie.

Kristian Klausen

Kristian declined from the 10 000 CC and 200 tanks. These will be distributed now to first 20 commenters with citizenship of eDenmark. One commenter will receive 500 cc and 10 Q7 tanks!

This event had potential, but in the future I will keep them simpler; only commenting in an article will suffice.

NSPP Strike

The NSPP performed the first monthly strike on day 2404. I sent 2 in-game messages like these to all alive-ish eDanes:

Because the strike happened on IRC, it was predicted that not many eDanes will arrive. This is the result:

Overall the ingame-message did not cause a flood of danes, but interestingly eDenmark was not the least active. In the future I will spare you from spam related to NSPP strikes. We will inform you via article and feed. So keep your eyes open, and come get free tanks.

Party President elections and coming Congress elections

The party president elections were a success. Our parties are safe, and we can be pretty confident regarding our safety during congress elections. We freed 2 regions from eGermany to make 2-region elections again possible. Remember to run for congress, and if you want a better placing in your party, contact your party president or Kristian Klausen and briefly express your wishes.

There is still a threat from eFinland in form of an Airstrike. The few smart players in eFinland have argued against it, but some have lost will to do anything else but have fun, and others just want to honor me by spending outrageous amounts of eFinnish funds, and valuable resources of Asgard.

Needless to say that Aurora, NSPP, Germark and other allies in the vicinity of Asgard will put a swift end to this warmongering, should AS pass.

Military Unit competition

New competition will start on day 2,408 and lasts until the end of Day 2,414.

You should read it carefully because I will only focus in my official statement regarding it. Other people may publish more in-depth analysis later.

eDenmark is too small country to seriously participate in this tournament. As we are given now time to change MU's, I encourage you to sell yourselves to highest bidders. Major MU's of the eWorld will be fighting with teeth and nails over highest hitters in all divisions. You should take full advantage of this, and then return to your old Military Unit later.

You may also consider national units of eGermany, or major units in Aurora and NSPP. Membership will affect what Daily Orders you will be able to do, so if you want to do them always, avoid joining MU's located in our enemy countries.

Here are the members of Aurora:

For some it is not possible nor do everybody even want to change MU. eDenmark appreciates your efforts! In eDenmark, you should join Den Kongelige Livgarde. To as for an invitation, message Maine Coon

Presidential elections

After next weeks congress elections we are again heading towards Presidential elections. Last month I promised you this:

And I still think like this. Last elections were a perfect example of what eDenmark deserves. I sincerely hope that I am able to yet again gain trust of Party President to be able to run for the Presidency. My actions as President this term are my campaign, so do not be afraid of criticism, comments and other feedback. It is all for the benefit of eDenmark.

Thank you for reading!