[CP] Maharashtra back with India

Day 1,300, 07:15 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Dear Citizens,

I had a mutual agreement for return of Maharashtra with China. I am sad that they failed to be serious for it. Because of the miserable situation a few hours ago, I took an important step and ask Indonesian people to fight for us.

They stood by my expectations. I am thankful to them for helping us when we needed it most. The training War that is starting between our countries will also help in strengthening our friendship.

Also, I would refrain from saying that China returned us Maharashtra (sadly 🙁 ) . I would rather say we had to work really hard to win it back. I don't know whether it was lack of co-ordination or something else on their part. But this event has hurt me a lot.

Thanks a lot to Indonesian Brothers. Special Thanks to Indonesian President Demon War and MoFA Ostin.

Anant Singhal
President of eIndia