[CP] Government Report - Week I

Day 1,728, 08:17 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear eBelgians,

Just as I promised in my manifesto, I am bringing back the weekly government reports. Those reports will keep you well informed about what the Government is really doing.

What I am most proud of so far, is that together with the Financial team, have set up a new plan for budget revision. As you may know, we have renewed 2 of our MPPs (Spain and Moldova), but I am looking to expand our MPP stack even more. Another issue I (assisted by the MoFA) am trying to resolve is the dispute with EDEN over being on the blacklist, which is a difficult situation to be in. I would like to inform you on the very good progress in the structure reform of the BNA and the active work by the MoHA.

You can read the reports, written by our lovely Ministers, below 🙂

Ministry of Defence - MaryamQ - We are gladly to report that, largely thanks to the active involvement of our CP in recruitment, BNA now has a 3rd regiment, and the reorganization by division has been started, due to the efforts of tecuvo and the cooperation of the soldiers. Further developments are dependent on the new budget which is being decided by Congress with the aid of the MoF. Projected are some changes in the supply system which potentially will allow the BNA not only to supply itself (including the paras, who will be merged with division 4), but also to contribute to the ongoing citizen programs for non-soldiers.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Lily Jayne Summers - It’s been a mixed week really. My main disappointment is getting more ambassadors involved and in the MoFA team, that definitely needs to improve for the future and thus will help future MoFAs in their role. The good bits is that we’ve published 2 articles so far, one on the “Get to know your neighbour” series and the other one being the weekly update. So the activity in terms of producing articles has been adequate so far. We should be able to produce some more articles later on this week on the last “Get to know your neighbour” series, being the Netherlands and more weekly updates (which shows domestic Foreign Affairs news, and international Foreign Affairs news) as we can. I also may do an article/tutorial, in how to basically be an ambassador if some people are worried that it is a bit too hard or confusing, if the number of ambassadors in the MoFA department is still low in a week and a little bit. Definitely room for improvement but a decent start to the term.

Ministry of Home Affairs - Viridi, Garth Lidlington and Sicariidae - This week the MoHA has started the BoDi Awards, which aims mostly at increasing activity on the forums, as well as showing to citizens of eBelgium that their hard work is appreciated. We also have a new player retention message, with which we will welcome new players, and hopefully make them feel welcome.

Ministry of Immigration - Olv007 & Viridi - Unlike previous months, b]the work in the MoI is going smoothly so far[/b]. We are gladly to welcome Veruvia as the newest eBelgian. Unfortunatelly, we had to reject two applications and to report that one was accepted without our approval.

Ministry of Finance - Nohjis, Helviro, SX80 - A comprehensive plan for budget revisions has been proposed to Congress and should foresee cuts of up to 600.000 BEF in monthly spending. While we will still run at a deficit, it's the assesment of the MoF that market conditions for production of finished products and as such tax income will improve in the near future. The plan is in it's final stage before being brought up to vote, as we speak, justice specialists are revising the first proposed lawtexts. On the other hand, during the past week, we have spent :

- 14985 BEF on citizen packs
- BNA budget provisions of 294.000 BEF sent out
- 2 MPP signed for 20.000 BEF
- 7,98 Gold on BYS
- 13,86 Gold on BYS²
- 520 Gold bought for a total of 596.893 BEF (BEF transferred to Gold)

All in all, I am very pleased by our common work so far. However, I would like to announce that I am looking for new addition to the Ministry of Education. Everyone, willing to get involved - message me ingame. I am looking forward to your application.

Yours very truly,