[CP] Fail of the month award won by Hungary

Day 1,256, 09:30 Published in Romania Colombia by W.A.R
Hello everybody!

It’s been a while since I wrote to you all in English, so let’s see what happened in eRomania this month.
After wining the presidential elections, I was facing imminent deletion of my country. Due to a heavy military campaign, Hungary succeeded to conquer all Romanian territories. Congrats!

And so it began the Resistance Total War! On the battlefield, we all fought to liberate one region at a time. On the job market, we started the biggest economy undermine campaign, named MUFA. Both soldiers and civilians gathered in groups up to 10, applied to jobs in the same company owned by a Hungarian and worked with minimum health. The MUFA forced managers to drop salaries in Hungary very low and to raise the product’s prices. Mission accomplished!

For the first 2 weeks, our MoD team did it’s best to keep Romania on the map: we won the resistance wars but in 2 days, the Huns were conquering back the regions with the direct attack. Our forces were divided, been located in both Hungary and Romania, so we weren’t able to get the initiative in the direct war.

After the second deletion, we decided to change our strategy. Our allies, Croatia and Bulgaria were facing similar problems. Croatia was back on the map with several regions so we jointed our forces: entire Romanian Army moved there. The units had strict orders to make stocks and the soldiers were fighting where Eden or Terra needed most.

We developed a new strategy for the liberation of Romania and with perfect Eden coordination we started the night battles. For a whole week, at 14:00 eRep time, the hell broke loose on ONE. Bonus, Romania got back 2 regions even before it was intended in Eden’s plan. Hungary again declared a war, but they lost the battle for Bucovina. Right there, the tide changed.

The night was our frien😛 after a full day of battles, ONE was exhausted and could not stand our direct attack + rw. So we got back Bucovina, Moldova, Transilvania and Muntenia.

Now, the comic part of this article kicks in. Hungarian government contacts us to negotiate a peace between us.
[21:15] so
[21:15] the ideea is
[21:15] we tought we will erase you again
[21:15] for the last time
[21:17] but we fucked up, and you fought better than we tought
[21:17] so we have to discuss it
[22:22] Fremenul: luv you
[22:22] lol
09[22:22] down boy

After the first round of discussions, we asked them not to fight in the upcoming battles of Oltenia and Banat, as sign of good intentions. And they didn’t gave military orders for those, letting us win both with 8-0.

Bottom line, Hungary just wanted that Crisana will be the last liberated region so they have as long as possible grain bonus. For stretching the war at maximum (let 24 h between attacks and no winning rws) I asked Southern Great Plain for the same amount of time.

Next evening, mobra faced an impeachment law because infos about these negotiations leaked from his government. More likely this happened because he was willing to cease SGP to Romania, although his army wouldn’t listen to him about not fighting in this future battle. In the end, we agreed with these conditions.

Eden agreed the plan which was allowing us to set a new common target. Romania deserved few days without stress on its territories and the army could recharge.

Next morning, I’ve asked for few hours delay of signing and publishing the fire ceasing, because I didn’t got time to talk to the majority of Congress members (who will vote the future NE removal and peace laws). Since I had little time left before auto-attack, I proposed that we RW Maramures as a drain and then put the direct attack in queue on Maramures, in order to win 12 more hours.

They refused and claimed to stick to the plan and attack at 2:30 erep time. Smelled kinda fishy, but I did. But they betrayed our agreement.

[12:49] I think you have not wanted to conclude peace
[12:50] I think you wanted to beat us
[12:50] Now let's see who is better that day 1v1
09[12:53] good luck.

Entire Hungarian and Serbian army were ready to fight hard. And so they won the first round. Seeing this, entire Eden (+Terra) mobilized, set the battle of Maramures as top priority and started to kick their asses out from our beloved region! Entire Romanian Army, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Bosnia, Italy, China, Brazil, SUA and all the other countries were fighting for us! Rompers, oldmack, megalexandros, fedora_dlc, argrob, blackpanther_76, radu_pangaiu, oboj were all there with huge tanking! We didn’t stopped until we won by 8-1. So, l2oli, who’s better during our day time?

Now, we continue to have the initiative and we won’t stop at our core regions. You wanted peace, and betrayed it even before it was signed? You got all your army ready to fight when you promised you wouldn’t and still lost the battle? Well, you won’t get rid easy with this! I personally hadn’t any more reasons to continue with the ping-pong war against Hungary. Well, now I have!

Also during this month, Serbia had its own selfish campaign trying to reach America. They fought hard crossing Europe and Asia but also got kicked out by the exemplary teamwork between Eden and Terra. Serbia also checked a nice fail, bonus just lost Western Serbia in front of BiH!

We now had to choose between Hungary and Serbia. After intensive debates, we decide😛 the title goes to Hungary! Which one? Fail of the month award!
Here it is the Hungarian president’s speech after receiving the prize:

“Thank you Eden and especially Romania for picking me as the first winner of this fabulous award! I never dreamed I will be eligible even to get a nominee! Now, I see clearly why I am the man of the moment: from occupying 100% our
nemesis, I managed in one week to help them free their country and have mine under imminent attack. Also a big impact in the awarding decision I think it had the fact that we failed at breaking the cease fire agreement. Despite we had our armies full-equipped and ready to fight from the first minute, we still lost Maramures, as in the agreement. I promise everybody I’ll do my best to win this prize again next month! Until then, enjoy playing eRepublik si Traiasca Romania Mare*!”

Hail Romania
Hail Terra
Hail true friendship!

Special thanks to my governmental team and Romanian soldier! United we stand!

*Long Live Great Romania!

Friends, stick with us, play smart and we will have fun together!
For a healty live, play eRepublik with a smile upon your face!!

eRomanian President,

Vive la Résistance!