[CP] ePH/eC Luzon Occupation Agreement

Day 1,471, 20:38 Published in Philippines Philippines by Berritas
Background Information

After eIndonesia's failed invasion of eRepublic of China (Taiwan) {eROC} eChina occupied ePhilippine territories. eChina has released regions Palawan & Visayas, but will retain occupation over Luzon. eChina will occupy Luzon for the time being in order to safeguard eROC from a possible invasion from eIndonesia.



- Until the agreement has ended or altered ePhilippines will not fight in the Luzon Resistance Wars.

- If China loses occupation of Luzon because of ePhilippine intervention then ePhilippines will NE eChina.


- Rent of 500Q5weapons/month for Luzon (Indefinite amount of time).

- Defend Palawan & Visayas from foreign invasion/occupation.

Validated by

President of the Republic of the Philippines

eChina Article Link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-1915058/1/20

中方占吕宋 并提供对菲律宾政府的剩余2块的庇护
菲律宾政府 不得起义吕宋不得在吕宋起义方输出
每个月向菲律宾提供500TANK 由ROC政府支付

EC ROC基情牢不可破!
同时感谢我的小秘书 leof 和他的loli妹子!


eC 先帝

[EN] (via google translate)
Agreed as follows:
China accounted for Luzon and the Philippine government to provide for the remaining two of the asylum
Luzon, the Philippine government shall not revolt revolt in Luzon output side
Month to the Philippines by the ROC government to pay 500TANK
If the termination of treaties 24-48 hours in advance to inform President of the Philippines
If we lost Luzon, the Philippines, we will take the initiative to NE

We will send our brave and courageous soldiers
Prior to ROC compatriots in Indo build a impenetrable firewall!
EC ROC-based love is unbreakable!
Long live the Friends of the base ~ \ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~
Also like to thank my little secretary leof and his loli sister!

V obscene ~~~~~( small loli )....

eC late emperor

This article is approved by

Berritas President of the Philippines

Long Live the Philippines o/