(CP Entry) Three Steps In Choosing YOUR Political Party

Day 501, 09:00 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

When choosing a political party, there are 3 things you need to be thinking of.

1. The members:
The members of a political party are the most important aspect if you are thinking of getting into the political world by joining a party. If you are a new player in this game and someone has helped you along the way or you have quickly become a fan of a specific member, maybe the party he is in is the party for you. When making your choice, it would be wise to do some research on who are the top members in the party and to do a little background check on them. Make sure they are in the best interests of everyone and they are friendly, helpful people. This is step number one in making your decision.

2. The platform:
The second most important thing when choosing your party is the platform that the party offers. A platform will represent the ideas and views of a party best. To find each party’s platform, go to this link: http://ecanada.forumotion.com/election-center-f42/ . It is a little outdated but these platforms will give you your best impression of what the party believes in and what they want to do for their country. If you come into Erepublik with a specific mindset on what you can do to make eCanada better or more fun, then try to join a party that best matches your interests.

3. The party itself:
Surprisingly, I don’t value this aspect as much as the others. When I say “the party itself”, I mean, what is the reputation of the party and how successful has it been so far in eCanada. If you want a party that is currently in government, then join that party, but that would mean you have a longer time to make it to the top of your party, if that is your objective. Your best option is to choose a party that is a well-known party, but one that isn’t the most successful or the one that has the most members. This will give you your best chance of individually becoming successful in your party.

When you reach level 7, think back on these three things if you are interested in joining a party. Weigh your options, do your research, and hopefully you will make the right decision in your party choice.