[CP election] I am a military man

Day 1,199, 13:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716

Attention Soldiers! Some of you may remember me as General Digits! Yes, this politician was a down and dirty soldier, and for one month of my life I lived and breathed the eRepublik army life as the head of the Army. I know the systems, I know where they succeed and where they fail, and because of this, I know how to work with an army, from the inside or out. The heart of this game is war, and at heart, I am a military man.

There are worthy competitors in this election, and I read all of their work with a keen eye. I notice that neither Dan nor Mike are members of the Irish Army. I notice that in Dan's military manifesto does not even mention the Irish Army, as if it does not exist. I notice that Mike's manifestos do not even mention the Irish Army either. My message to you is that without unity, Ireland will not rise, and Ireland will not grow. We must build upon what we have, and what we have is a unified national army. It has it's faults, and we must rectify them, but we must show pride and committment, if Ireland is to take it's true place among the nations of the world.

I pledge to work with the Irish Army this month on the following priorities:

Priority no.1 - Regain Cork/Kerry

This should be done as quickly, and as effectively as possible. I ask all citizens to aid us in this cause.

Priority no.2 - Alliance with Croatia

Croatia are our brothers-in-arms. We will fight for them till our last drop.

Priority no.3 - High 5/ President's guard

This is an idea very close to my heart. My first military experiences were on deployment abroad. The sense of purpose and commaraderie is unrivalled. My proposal is that every 2 days (barring important battles), 5 people from the roster would be deployed abroad to defend our friends abroad. The way that this would be done would be that 1 high ranking soldier from the top of the roster would be a team leader. He will be supplied with moving tickets. He would muster together 10 soldiers, and the first 4 which respond to his call would deploy with him to fight for our friends, in co-ordination. This will build leadership skills and build lasting friendships in our group. After 48 hours, the same would happen again, but with different soldiers. You can be a hero, but just for one day.

Ireland cannot mass deploy. We are a small nation and cannot fight 2 battles as the same time. But this we need. I propose that it be called The President's Guard, and that the President himself would select the battle abroad to fight in. I will work on this idea with the army to see if we can make it a reality.

Priority no.4 - Co-ordination

Kinks in the system need to be worked out. I have consulted in-depth with the Irish Army staff, read the documents and reports, and they know themselves where they have to improve. I pledge my support and aid to make things run more smoothly. In particular, we need more communication and clarification with the general public, increased recruitment awareness, and more co-ordination on the battle field in terms of co-ordinated strikes.

Priority no.5 - THE CAMPAIGN

We need a CAMPAIGN to get us united, to get us motivated, to make us proud!With Digits as President and with the blessing of the people, Ireland will attempt to conquer a new region this month. In preperation for the event, I have already made contacts abroad and have spoken to candidates from our near neighbours. Conducting military affairs is not just hitting a wall, it requires skilled diplomacy.

This month, throw off the shackles and get involved.

Can you help as:

Minister for Defence?
Minister for Foreign Affairs?
Minister for Finance?
Minister for New Citizens?
Minister for Community?

Contact me now, or post below!

P.S. There will also be a domestic CAMPAIGN, something I am very much looking forward to.

P.P.S. Eric Last was the winner of the slogan competiton with ^ that fantastic image. 2 Gold on it's way to you.

Digits for Prez - It just adds up!