[CP] eBe, This Is Your CP Talking

Day 2,191, 13:41 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear eBelgians,
we are in the middle of our term, the second week has passed by and I wanted to give you a small update. It was said that the last one was too long, so I tried to make sure that wasn't the case anymore. This second week was, at times, rather bumpy and the admin's decided to make our life a little bit more difficult. Some game changes, that this government doesn't find really help right now, makes that we will have to keep our attention in the third week and work hard for you!

Fight For Poland in RW of Brussels and RECEIVE EXTRA GOLD
First of all, it should be clear to everyone that you need to fight FOR poland in the RW of Brussels. Furthermore, we want you to do your utmost best to ensure that your division is also won by poland. Hit, hit hard and hit smart. Cause we all know that you love a small incentive and smart hitting in order to gain a win by poland is not the same as achieving a BH-Medal. This is why EVERY eBelgian citizen that will be seen in a top-5, will receive each time 5 gold from the government.

What does that mean:
If you are in your division among the players that did that round a top-5 damage for Poland, you receive 5 gold. This is valid for ALL divisions and ALL rounds
If at the end of the campaign, you are in the top-5 of biggest total damage for Poland, you get 5 gold!

For who is this valid?
For ALL eBe citizens that fight on Polish side in the RW of Brussels. However, if you fight against Poland or you obstructed in some way, including comments or shouts, the desired out-come (Poland winning the RW), you are excluded.

Game Changes
The Admins decided to make it harder to keep a region occupied and that is something that this government not fully can appreciate, due to our special situation. These changes contain an 80% reduction of tax income, an additional reward for fighting in successfull RW's and the start tomorrow of 'Empires'. Currently we will keep with our policy to keep eBe full conquered, but we continuously evaluate if this is still the best path for eBe. It might be that we change our policy, but then you will be informed by me, NLSP, your CP.

The Forum
There are a lot of discussions busy there, but what might be of interest for you is the following:
* constitution will be slightly adapted in order to prevent a one-man congress to re-write the constitution in the future
* we have a new SC Justice
* the lawbook will be updated and cleaned
* MPP's are discussed, this stays important since it makes the MU's their DO possible
* a 'Revamping' of the masks FoC, FoB, HC
* and more => check out www.erepbelgium.com

Next activities
Besides what is mentionned earlier in this article, you might want to know what you should expect in the next week:
* More articles about the PTO
* A report about the previous 'Civilian Strike'
* More worries for the government
* Behind the scenes we will be even more busy ...

I hope this was informative for everyone. If there would be questions, our government officials are always eager to reply. You can also directly contact me. We have, as government, made a lot of articles. Most of the information that is available for you, is being published there.

Yours truly,
NLSP, eBelgian CP