[CP] Congress Elections

Day 1,189, 05:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

On the 25th of February, there will be congress elections. There is a possibility for all citizens to sign up for these elections, and represent a part of the population in the decision making process of our country. You will become involved in the 'real' erepublik, and your game possibilities will extend far beyond just working and training everyday.

Does this sound like something that would interest you?
Then sign up fast, you only have two days left!

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Forum activity is required, and you are required to declare your candidacy in this topic. If you haven't been on the forum before, you should shortly state your motivation as well. When elected, you are also required to pay one gold from the five gold you earned from your medal to the national bank.

To keep the elections 100% fair, I will use a random number generator to decide who will get final spots in the elections. Every candidate who has met the requirements will receive a number, and the first 18 numbers that come out of the generator will be our official candidates. This will be done on the 24th of February, when the possibility to candidate has passed.

With sincere regards,

President of eNetherlands