[CP] - Address to the Nation

Day 1,568, 09:41 Published in India India by Shakti Rocks

Good Evening India,

First of all, thanks for voting for me and showing your trust in me. It felt really awesome seeing more than half the nation supporting me and having a faith in me and I will try my level best to be as much active as possible and serve my nation enthusiastically. Also, I will like to thank my competitor Octavius Dryst for putting up at good fight in the election.

Now, lets get down to business. My first intention was to repay the 5G I got for winning the elections but due to some weird reasons the Donate to Treasury link is not working at all : http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/donate/India

Secondly, I would like to announce the Cabinet for this term :

Vice President : HemanathanKumar

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) : Alector

Deputy MoFA : Christo123456

Ministry of Defence(MoD) : Timberjack

Deputy MoD : Fighter100

Ministry of Finance(MoF) : Rebelash

Deputy MoF : Dushyant

Ministry of Media and Culture(MoMC) : SomurtkanSirin

Ministry of Internal Affairs(MoIA) : RD1234

That will be for now. Will give more updates tomorrow.

Signing off,