[CP] A Summary and more..........

Day 1,958, 02:56 Published in Canada Canada by Homer J Simpson

Well Canada, this month has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. We started the term with no congress, a complete wipe and temporary members of an alliance.

In the lead up to the election I stated two simple goals if electe😛

1- Work on cementing our position in Asgard

First up I had to decide what to do about the required congress vote as per the Treaty of Asgard. I chose my course of action, some agreed, some didn't, and the rest is history. At the time I had a strong belief that Asgard was the right place for Canada and this belief has only grown stronger over the time I've been in the seat.

I know some argue that we should be in a larger alliance for protection, some have argued that we should look to join the US in whatever alliance they end up in. There has even been talk about getting the US to join Asgard.

Asgard is, by design, an alliance of smaller, similar nations. While we are discussing possible expansion options it is not planned to grow into a mega alliance. Rather we want to keep to the original idea to ensure all members keep a strong and equal voice.

As for working with the US, my cabinet team is working hard on continuing to foster a closer relationship and returning us to the days of the Brolliance. We don't need to be in the same alliance for this to happen. Canada remains close friends with many countries without formally allying with them.

2- Begin dealing with Spain and the wipe

Being wiped is a difficult and frustrating thing to deal with. Having no congress only esculated this. My first action was to appraise where Spain sat in relation to continuing the wipe. It didn't take long in our first IRC meeting to realise that, with Borj in the picture, Spain was intent on staying around. The demands they made would have seen us put in a similar position to Portugal, something that Borj keenly pointed out.

Spain was keen to stick it to us

With the chance of an amicable deal gone the only option was to fight. We immediately began seeking support for our planned congress campaign (Operation "Much Apu About Nothing"). With many allies and friends promising to help we began to plan out our course of action. If we started too early we would almost definitely have run out of the resources required to hold the regions until a congress was in place.

In the weeks leading up to the start of our campaign many began to vent frustration at what they saw as a lack of action. There were calls that Asgard were ignoring us and weren't helping. Complaints that allies and the executive weren't supporting the many RW's that popped up. Passing on information was always going to be difficult without giving away our plans to the Spaniards. We did what we could by keeping the MU's informed.

Once the campaign was launched we hit the ground running and with the help of our many friends and allies managed to succeed beyond my expectations. We did have a little luck along the way, such as our Spanish friend who proposed Portugal as NE, giving us the chance to get in first.

We were always going to struggle to hold ground long term without overextending our support and, as such we find ourselves once again with no regions. Does this mean we've given up? Of course not. We have achieved our initial plan of getting a congress and now we are working on our next plan, a plan that would see us get regions back and hold them long term. This will not be as easy as organising the congress campaign, it is far more involved and will take us longer.

This is why I ask Canada to keep the faith and give my team and I a chance to finish the job with another term. We've had our fun on the roller coaster, now it's time for Canadians to head home to Canadian soil that's untainted by Spanish olive oil.

tl;dr - We did some stuff this month, we have a job to finish next month. Vote Homer4CP Episode2