[CP] A article.

Day 1,052, 19:52 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Tim Veltkamp
This article will include some “goals” and showing I'm not inactive.

Why i haven’t written article in the last term.
There are several reasons for this, some reasons are;
- Only got the pass for the Presidential newspaper on the 8th of October. [EDIT] For some reason i don't have access to it now.
- Other ministries posts all the things happening in Government/Congress.

Overall what is there for me to report or write about? The congress choose the Formatuer who greatly influence the creation of the government. I did not have a single voice in its creation and overall it does not respond to me like that of the presidential system. Therefore, it leaves me to focus primarily on Phoenix related issues.

Look at the CP position. He/she declares wars, embargo, MPP’s and such, my job is to focus on foreign policy. Look at the congress, their powers focused on the domestic. Yes I am the president and I am in the center focus, but it is unrealistic for people to believe that the CP is all powerful. “The president increasingly sees congress not as an ally to help him pass bills but an obstacle to overcome.” that quote is true a lot of the time.

Therefore, I did my job in the last term. I did what presidents do, being the head of state. I represented the Netherlands in Phoenix and abroad. Either the details of my job are secretive or that it is uninteresting and pointless to report, that is why there wasn’t a real reason for me to write an article. If the government like the MoRC, MoE and such have news to report, which they did, they wrote articles about their subject. I do look at the forum each day, am on IRC for about 14 hours each day. Claims of my idleness, in my opinion, are unfounded.

The nature of politics are very heated and partisan. To avoid unwanted tension and flame wars, I became more quiet. Quiet is not ignoring the issue nor is it sighs of neglect. This is the big factor why i hardly am involved in debates on our forum. A lot of things I wrote were always argued/dismissed by certain people of congress.

As for my goals.

I’ll continue on from last months goals and do the best i can with them.

On a side note, i don't want a flame war or whatever in the comment section, if you do, I'll delete the article and repost it and also expect a Dutch version.