[COPIED] Frerk for president!

Day 622, 10:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Deviltje
Sunday 2th of August '09

Dear readers,

Yesterday I announced my presidency for Iron and Wine, and today I'm going to introduce myself.


I'm Frerk, born on day 442 of the New World.
I met this game trough a guy from school, and my first thought was that there's not much to do.
Apart from working and training there's nothing to do. The forums and IRC prove an outcome for this, and I became active there.
When I reached the suitable level I joined Iron and Wine, and became congress member for that party shortly after.
Of the 5 times I got into Congress I fulfilled every mandate of them actively.
I've been Party President of Iron and Wine twice, and managed to get my party active, even though that didn't pay off in congress elections.

The current situation
Some time ago the USA attacked our country by opening two Resistance Wars in former Belgium regio's, we can finally do something back to them now that PEACE is at war with the USA.
It's a good thing we can do something back to PEACE for the support they gave us.

There's a poll going around on the forums about a possible merger with Germany to save them.
I think we should only do it if we are the last option to save eGermany. The risks our nation takes for that shouldn't be neccesary if there are other ways to save eGermany.
I agree that there are things about it that will improve our country, stronger military for example, but how do we know if our economy can take all those extra citizens that are coming each month?
Sure, some of the markets that are currently flooded will stabilize, but what if those people start companies too?

To my relieve the eBabyboom site went live, but I'm still having doubts if the recruited people will keep playing eRepublik. As most of you found out, in the beginning eRepublik can be realy boring.
I think we should try to find ways to increase the fun for lower (and higher) levels who aren't supremely active in congress or politics. We could, for example, promote the IRC and forum more, and when people are there make sure they stay there.
The problem with the current bait (a 20 NLG bonus if you register at the forums) is that chances are high people will only register for the bonus, and won't stay at the forums because they don't have to for their bonus.

If there are any questions about my campaign, me or my ideas, feel free to ask them by leaving a comment, messaging me in eRepublik or talk to me on IRC.

Register here and remember to be active and stay tuned!

My next article will follow shortly, refer here for contents.


PS. Don't forget to subscribe to this fantastic newspaper😉